Chapter 5

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After Magnus leaves his office Alec feels as if a weight has been lifted off of him, yet his heart is heavier than before. Hearing a knock on the door Alec grants the person, his sister, to enter.

"Hey, I just saw Magnus leave, is everything okay?" her voice is sweet and gentle. With the newfound knowledge that he's going to be a father, Alec recalls to the first time he saw his little sister on the day she was born. She had looked so soft and delicate, afraid of the world hurting her Alec swore to protect her.

"Yeah," he answers, remembering that Izzy is expecting an answer. "I just found out that I'm going to be a father."

"So he told you?"

"Sort of, I came out of my office to----what do you mean he told me? Who else knows? D-did you know?" Looking at his sister's downcast gaze, he knows the answer. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It wasn't my place, Alec. Do you think you would've been this happy had you found out from me and not Magnus? Plus I've been trying to get you to see him for months! Why do you think I've been insistent that you come every time we go to Magnus, or why I had you look up when Omegas and Betas start showing?"

The eldest Lightwood realizes his sister is right. Over the last few months she has tried to get him to go to Magnus, but Alec couldn't. He can't even look at Magnus without even remembering that night, and he doesn't want to be around Magnus in case the Warlock brings it up then tells Alec that it is just a one-night and that it doesn't have to mean anything.

But adding the facts together, Izzy constantly badgering him to go with them to Magnus, looking up when pregnant Omegas and Betas show; the evidence has been right in front of him this whole time and Alec has been too busy (or stupid) to put the pieces together.

Taking a deep breath Alec asks, "who else knows?"

"Just me and Catarina." Alec remembers meeting Catarina once, she gave him a sympathetic look that he did not understand at the time. "She's the one who performed the magic thing or whatever that lead to the discovery."

Alec nods. "How has Magnus been, these last few months?"

"Good. Because Cat is busy I've kinda been solo in getting Magnus food and clothes. I know Magnus is stylish but even he seems to be stubborn."

Alec smiles, that does sound like Magnus.

"So how did your conversation with Magnus go?"

The young man feels his face falter. "Good, I guess. He's going to allow me to be there for my child, on the condition that I don't do or say anything stupid to get me get kicked out of it."

"I feel a 'but' in here, somewhere."

Alec walks back to his desk to sit down before continuing. "Magnus has a mate."

"Congrats! Not only are you two expecting a child but you're also----"

"I said a mate Iz, not that I am."

Without even looking at her Alec knows that his sister's lips are in the shape on an o. He hears her footsteps making their way to his desk, he can feel her leaning next to him. "How does that make you feel? Knowing your kid is going to have a step-parent?"

"I don't know. I hope that the person treats Magnus well, and will treat our child good too. I mean it'd be one thing if we were mates and expecting, but with a person I don't even know, around my child----"

Izzy places a hand on his shoulder, quieting him. "It'll be all right, Big Brother. Just take Magnus out in a night or two, and when you feel the time is right, even weeks down the road, ask Magnus if you can meet his mate. So you know who else is going to be around your son or daughter."

"If only it could be that simple."

Izzy turns him to face her as she squats down and embraces him in a hug. "It's okay, everything will work out, Big Brother."

A few hours later reports come in of Shax demons in SoHo. While Alec normally sends Shadowhunters that aren't family on them, he needs a night out of the office after finding out that he's going to be a father. Which is surprising as he should probably want to stay away from hunts until some time after his child is born.

He's getting arrows to fill his quiver when Jace approaches him. "Is everything all right?" His Parabatai asks.

"Yes, why?"

"I know Magnus was here earlier, and I know that you two talked; you've been feeling weird since he left."

"Yeah, everything's all right."

Jace gives him a skeptical look before saying "okay," walking off to go get a Seraph blade before they leave for the hunt. Alec knows that he should tell Jace, and his parents, but right now doesn't feel right. He knows he should tell them before Magnus goes into labor. Magnus is four months along, giving Alec five more months to tell his friends and family.

Finishing getting his weapons Alec meets Izzy, Jace, and Jace at the entrance. The red-head mentions how her Vampire friend is going to meet them at the location. The archer already wants this mission to be over.

As it turns out the mission takes longer than Alec wants. Simon gets flown through a tree that leads to his back hitting a building. Izzy shouts his name, making her way over to make sure that he's all right while Clary and Jace, who happen to be brother and sister, are busy with keeping half of the demons busy.

Alec shoots arrow after arrow and is getting ready to notch another one when something comes over him. It starts in his stomach before crippling him, leaving him to kneel on the ground What's happening? Is Magnus and our child all right? Are they hurt? Are they nearby?

He doesn't get much time to think on it as a Shax demon, the biggest one, lifts it's claw to come down, Alec grabs his bow and arrow and shoots it. The demon goes up in some sort of golden dust.

The pain from earlier subsides. For the umpteenth time that day Alec lets out a sigh of relief. Glad that it's gone, but he knows very well that he's going to have to check-up on Magnus and their unborn child soon. Maybe even meet Magnus' mate. The thought of Magnus with someone else gives Alec a weird feeling; he knows he has no right to tell Magnus who his mate is, but he feels as though he does get a say who is around his child, and if Magnus' mate is not a good person then he wants to prohibit that person from being around his kid.

"Alec, where are you? Are you all right?" He hears Jace call out from some place close by.

"I see him!" Izzy shouts as Alec hears the sole of her boots hitting the pavement as she comes over. She place one hand on his arm, the other on his face. She looks like she's trying to keep her face steeled, with no such luck. "Hey, are you all right?"

"I'm fine." He groans, trying to sit up that seems to take all his strength, and breath, out of him.

Izzy's eyes widen, spotting something on him that proves that Alec is anything but. "We need to get you to Magnus."

Magnus? What is so bad that they need to go to Magnus for? On the other hand it will be a good opportunity to see how Magnus and his mate are together to make sure the step-parent of his child is treating Magnus and how they're treating his unborn child.

He briefly hears Izzy call out to the others. Alec sees a huge slash starting at his chest going to his abdomen. Blood is coming out of the wound, it's not much just enough that he does need some serious medical attention. Izzy takes off her jacket to apply pressure to the wound.

Alec hears the pounding of the others as they come to his aid. Jace takes off his shirt and jacket, along with Simon, and Clary with her jacket, to help keep more blood from coming out and to soak up the blood that has come out.

"Call Magnus," Izzy orders. "He's the only one that can help Alec."

Alec wants to protest that he's fine. That they nor Magnus need to worry about him right now; as Alec tries to take a deep breath to calm down and reassure the others he realizes just how light headed he is. It doesn't help that he can no longer tell the difference between the stars in the sky and the ones forming in front of his eyes. He thinks he does as there aren't many in the sky, but he doesn't get the chance to clearly see as everything goes black.

To be continued...

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