Chapter 16

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Magnus is frozen. The words on a loop in his head. Raphael is missing! Raphael is missing! He just can't wrap his head around it. Raphael was turned when he was only a teenager and turned to Magnus for help when adjusting to his new life (Raphael has never trusted Camille).

"Magnus," he feels Alexander squeeze his hand. "It'll be all right, we will find him."

"Alec's right. Lily already as the other clan members looking and Luke has his pack searching too. Hell, Mom and Dad have Shadowhunters looking for him. He'll be found and we'll bring him home."

There's something in Izzy's voice that Magnus cannot tell what it is. Sadness? Desperation? Whatever it is Magnus can only hope that it comes from actual feelings she may have towards Raphael and not because she's allowing her addiction to Yin Fin cloud her mind and feelings.

"I have to go, Mom and Dad have me out looking for Raphael tonight." Izzy gets up and leaves the room, leaving the entire space of the apartment. Alexander wraps his arms around Magnus, pulling him against his chest and telling him that everything is going to be all right, Raphael will be found and brought back, and that Raphael will be fine.

Alexander pulls him into the bed, leaving him as Magnus' pillow, pulling the sheets and blankets around them. For the first in centuries Magnus doesn't feel as if he's the Warlock or safe anymore.


It's been months since Raphael has gone missing. Lily has taken over as Head of the Vampires until Raphael can be found and resume his duties. Magnus is currently eight months along and all he can do as he curls into the blankets Magnus can only think of the previous night.

Magnus is lying in bed while Alexander is in the shower. Since Magnus has been five and a half months along Alexander has been able to resume his job as Head of the Institute, doing paper work and dealing with the Clave, however he has yet to be cleared to go back out in the field.

Magnus is reading a book about the History of Shadowhunters and Downworlders, he and Alexander have agreed to make their child only a warlock or Shadowhunter; the issue is that Alexander wants their son to be a Warlock so if he dies Magnus won't entirely  be alone and will have someone he'll love unconditionally and won't die because of old age or because he's out on a hunt. Magnus, on the other hand, disagrees. He wants their son to be a Shadowhunter so Alec and his family can have someone to succeed the Lightwood lineage. (There's a chance Jace will end up using Herondale for a last name and not Lightwood, plus Izzy will most likely end up changing her last name when she gets married.)

They want to give their son a choice, but they also don't want to run the risk of another Valentine or Sebastian rising to power and threatening the existence of all of the Downworlders and Shadowhunters.

Magnus places the book on the nightstand, lacing his hands together over his stomach as he lays down, closing his eyes and letting out a content sigh. "What are you thinking?" Alexander asks as he comes and sits next to Magnus.

"Nothing important." Rubbing his belly Magnus looks at his fiancé, "Alexander, do you really think we'll find Raphael? It's been three months since he's gone missing."

Alexander places a hand over Magnus' before replying. "Of course we will. And when we do we can kill whoever took him."

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