Chapter 13

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Alec enters the office, Izzy and Jace on the couch, his father sitting at the desk and his mother standing up by his side. Alec goes over and sits on the couch next to Izzy.

"The Soul Sword is gone." His mother states.

"What?" Izzy exclaims.

"The Sword is gone. The Clave doesn't know where it is and they want to keep it a secret until they can find it. Alec, I know we assigned you to watch over Magnus and his child but you cannot tell him about this." His father finishes.

"I can't tell him? This not only affects him and his child but the entire Downworld!" Alec states.

"Alec, calm down." his mother tells him.

"How can I cam down when you're putting my mate and child in danger?"

Everyone freezes, Alec's words hanging in the air. His muscles tense, waiting for the shock to wear off from his parents. His phone goes off, that when Alec leaves the room with his mother calling after him. In the hallway Alec looks at the text from Magnus. I'm in Washington Square Park.

Assuming that means he's done Alec goes to the first floor of the Institute, something telling him to take his weapons; Alec stocks up on arrows before walking out of the church and making his way to the park.

The park is unusually quiet, it is New York after all. Entering it he sees Magnus on the ground, someone above him. Sebastian. Notching an arrow Alec sends it flying, hitting the person who drugged Magnus in the stomach.

As Sebastian goes down Alec starts making his way to Magnus when he hears, "Do you really think I'm the only one after you and your kid Bane? HE wants you too, and when he comes be prepared to lose everything." Sebastian goes limp, his body turning into black ash, the wind carrying him away.

Magnus looks over at him. Reaching his mates Alec asks, "are you all right?"

"I'm fine."

"You're doing your appointments at your loft from now on."


"So something like this doesn't happen again. I don't need to worry about you and our son every time you go out."

Alec picks Magnus up and starts walking out of the park towards the loft. "Let me make a portal home," Magnus begs.

Alec shakes his head. "No. We're taking the subway, I don't want to run the risk of him reporting to whoever where we're going and have someone or some demon coming to attack us."

"And taking the subway will prevent that?"

"It will make it a bit harder for him to try and make out where we're going for a little while."

Magnus concedes, allowing Alec to continue his way. On the train Alec keeps Magnus in his lap, his arms around the Warlock worrying that if he only has a light touch that Magnus will fade away and it will all be a dream, and in reality Magnus and their son is dead.

Magnus doesn't seem to mind as he nuzzles into Alec's neck, his arms (which he has around Alec's neck) tighten their hold as well. As if he's afraid that Alec will also disappear if he lets go.

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