Chapter 9

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A cold waves washes over Alec, his ears ringing. Him and Magnus? Mates? That's impossible. His parents are mates and only his mother has the mating bite, and only his mother feels his father and Alec has been able to feel Magnus. "Are----are you sure? That we're mates?"

Magnus unlocks his door. "Of cour----" before Magnus can finish he stumbles into his apartment, nearly falling over a nearby table.

With quick reflexes Alec grabs Magnus before he can hit his head on the table and falls to the floor. Alec positions Magnus where he has one of Magus' arms around his neck and the Shadowhunter has his arms around Magnus' back and legs; in a bridal carrying style.

Alec takes Magnus to his room in the loft. The Shadowhunter is careful to remove Magnus' jewelry and puts them on the beside table. When he's done he looks at the sleeping form of the father of his child. Magnus looks so peaceful.

Running his hand through Magnus' hair, Alec wonders what happened tonight that nearly made Magnus fall to the floor. Magnus has seemed fine all evening, not even his body language has given Alec any indication that something was wrong.

Placing a hand over Magnus' heart, Alec is glad to feel a beat. Leaving the bedroom Alec debates on staying in the loft or going back to the Institute and coming back tomorrow. Choosing the former Alec goes into the living room, falling on the couch  Alec pulls out his phone. Scrolling through his contacts he stops when he comes across Catarina Loss. A friend of Magnus' and someone Alec has come to know of the few months he's avoided Magnus.

Clicking the call button and bringing the phone to his ear, Alec knows that it's a long shot on her actually answering the call (she is a nurse, after all) he prepares for a long voicemail he's about to give her.

"Hello?" a voice on the other line says. Maybe he won't have to leave her a voicemail.

"Cat, it's Alec."

"Alec, is something wrong? How can I help?" He notes how quick she is, after all Izzy or Jace or Clary usually calls her and Alec sends a fire message as a way of being formal.

"I was out with Magnus tonight----"

"You went out with Magnus?"

Alec bites his lip as the slight upper pitch in her voice. Almost as if she's happy that they went out. "Yes. Anyway I walked him back to his loft, as he opened the door he fell over."

"Is he all right?"

"I think so, I don't know what happened. He was fine then he just fell. I was wondering if----"

"If I can come and do a quick check-up?"

"Yeah." Alec releases a breath he doesn't realize he's been holding. "I need to make sure that he and our child are fine."

"I can't escape right this minute, we have a skeleton of people on staff right now, but I'll come as soon as I can."

"Thank you."

As they hang up Alec leans back against the sofa. Magnus may not be getting medical help right now, but he will; and that's all Alec can ask for. This also reinforces his decision to stay the night. He doesn't want to leave Magnus in case something happens, he want to be here if there's a chance he can prevent it.

Laying down on the leather couch, Alec settles himself down, closing his eyes to sleep.

It's five in the morning when Alec's phone goes off, startling him awake. Looking at the caller I.D. he sees that it's his mom. Staring at his phone, knowing he's going to have to answer it, he has a lot of questions that he wants answers to.

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