Chapter 11

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When Alec wakes up he stretches and picks up the book he had been studying the previous day about mating. After last night, Alec wonders if Magnus has forgiven him. Not that it helps, while he likes the thought of Magnus forgiving him, getting to a friendly and civil point in their relationship for the sake of their child, Alec hasn't forgiven himself.

It may be ridiculous but Alec is still mad at himself for not facing Magnus sooner, if he had then maybe he and Magnus wouldn't be here, Magnus beyond furious, trying his hardest to be civil around his mate.

Mate. That's still a crazy concept for Alec to accept. Magnus and him. From what Alec recalls from the only time he and Magnus were intimate, it must have been then. Alec doesn't really remember marking Magnus as his mate, but he doesn't mind. After all he has always wanted the other parent of his child to be his mate.

"Are you still doing research?" a sleepy voice wonders.

Looking up Alec sees Magnus standing in the doorway in a white T-shirt and dark-blue silk pajama bottoms. "Yes, I didn't find out what I needed yesterday."

"What are you looking for?" Magnus comes over and stands by him.

"Just trying to see if two mate can feel each other with one of them baring a mating bite or not."

Magnus raises an eyebrow. "I can assure you both people must bear a mating bite for both to feel each other, my friends Tessa and Will both had mating bites and felt each other; before it was just Will and he could only feel Tessa. Why are you even looking it up?"

"The night the Shax got me, I----"

"Knelt to the ground as if you were in pain. Simon told me."

Closing the book the Shadowhunter shakes his head. "I was in pain. Were you in any pain?"

Magnus shakes his head, causing something in Alec to deflate. Alec mutters a "great" wondering why he fell in pain when neither Magnus or Jace were in any.

Magnus places a hand on his shoulder. "Stop worrying about it for now, let's have breakfast and not think about any mating stuff for the morning."

"Okay, what would you like?"

"Waffles. Normally when I'm in the mood for waffles I'll conjure up a mean Belgian waffle, but I'm assuming Cat will not be happy if she finds out I've been conjuring food when she said no more take-out."

"I don't know about Belgian waffles, but I can make some pretty good regular ones."

They head into the kitchen, Alec getting the ingredients and waffle maker out, Magnus sitting at the island in the center. As Alec is cracking the eggs to put into the dry mixture he hears Magnus ask, "have you found who's  drugged me?"

Alec shakes his head in reply. "My mom, Izzy, Jace, Clary, and Simon are working on that. Unfortunately they will not give me any information on any leads or people who they're looking at. Is something wrong?"

"No Shadowhunter has ever called Downworlders people before."

"First off: that's assuming a Downworlder drugged you. Second: Downworlders are people. I don't care what Clave officials say, every Downworlder is a person, most are part human. Maybe even more human than us Shadowhunters and Mundanes put together."

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