Chapter 3

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The early morning light streaming through the windows is what wakes Alec up. Groaning the young man brings his hands to his face to wipe the sleep out of his eyes before sitting up. Looking around his surroundings Alec realizes that he is not in his room at the Institute.

What happened last night, where am I? Alec thinks. Hearing a small noise between a moan and a groan Alec turns to his right and sees Magnus turning over. In his sleep Magnus looks peaceful and vulnerable, and more human than Alec has ever seen. Even with his make-up being smeared.

Then images from last night flash through his head. Giving Magnus is strength, moving Luke and cleaning Magnus' couch, Magnus going into heat, his sweet smell filling the air, Alec wanting to leave before anything happened, Magnus kissing him then a blur of hands, skin, and secret, warm touches and. . . .

That's it. All Alec can do is hope that he didn't mark or knot Magnus or both. It's not that Alec doesn't want a mate or children, he does, but the Clave will never allow his mate to be a man much less a Downworlder and his children being half-Shadowhunter and half-whatever-type-of-Downworlder his mate is.

In a panic Alec gets out of bed and starts putting on his clothes and shoes before leaving the bedroom and shutting the door quietly, not wanting to wake Magnus. As he goes past the kitchen to get to the front door Alec briefly considers leaving Magnus a note, telling him that he left for the Institute and that last night probably shouldn't have happened.

But he doesn't. Because leaving a note would mean that he feels something for the Warlock and he doesn't. He can't. He has feelings fro Jace. Jace his Parabatai and brother. Alec has to have feelings for him because then no one will ever find out that he's gay.

And he can't have people finding out he's gay. Not the Clave, not Jace, not his parents----especially his parents. His parents have always said that liking the same gender (in the romantic sense) is an abomination and the person should never consider themselves a person, much less a Shadowhunter.

So he leaves. He leaves Magnus' loft and heads home hoping to forget that last night didn't happen, that he and Magnus can be purely professional if they ever cross paths again. Because last night, as fun as it had been (and more pleasurable than Alec has ever imagined) should have never occurred.

It's been four months since Alec has slept with Magnus and during that time Jace, Izzy, the annoying red-head and her mundane-turned-Vampire friend have been going to Magnus for more numerous things and during which Alec has refused to go.

He can't see Magnus, he doesn't have the nerve too. Every time Alec thinks of Magnus his mind goes back to that night in-vivid-fucking-detail. And he-does-not-like-it! And he's a hundred percent positive that seeing Magnus will only make memories of that night worse.

At least for him. After all Magnus has had numerous partners before Alec, and chances are that he has found another a week or two after they had sex. Besides it's not like he and Magnus are mates and expecting a child.

Of course during the last few months that Alec hasn't seen Magnus Izzy has made Alec look up how long it takes for a pregnant Omega and Beta to show, why? Alec doesn't know. He hopes that someone hasn't knotted his because if they have Alec has no issue roughing the guy up. Not if it's Meliorn, or Raphael, the newly appointed Head of the Vampire clan, or the mundane-turned-Vampire guy. He doesn't care.

Also during the last few months Alec's been promoted to Head of the Institute, after dealing with two envoys from the Clave, Lydia Branwell and Victor Aldertree. He nearly married Lydia, but on the day of his wedding they were interrupted by demons and Lydia has been hurt and after she got medical attention and was fully awake Lydia and he called off the wedding, both agreeing that it isn't what Alec (or his family) needed at the moment.

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