Chapter 17

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Alec has no idea where he is. He just remembers getting up in the middle of the night when he thought he heard something in the loft break. He grabbed his Seraph blade and left the bedroom with Magnus in a deep and heavy sleep as he explored the loft. He searched the entire loft, even out on the balcony, with no sign of anything broken or anyone in sight. Exhausted Alec went back to bed.

By morning Alec got ready to go to the Institute when he felt something enter his and Magnus' home. It was cold and dark and demonic and everything that he felt from the rift from Edom. The only thing different is that it had been stronger than before and every comfort of the loft being home is gone. The next thing he knew everything had gone black.

He wakes up and feels something binding his hands together, he looks around the room before he feels something come over his mouth and everything goes black again.


Magnus' heart is beating rapidly against his rib cage. His father has Alexander and Magnus cannot think of a reason why his father would even want his fiancé in the first place. As Magnus gets ready to leave an ice-cold realization dawns on him: if his father has Alexander what are the chances he has Raphael as well?

With shaking hands Magnus opens a portal to the beach where the rift is.

Magnus has been staring at the rift for twenty minutes. He knows he should call Izzy and Jace and others for back up but there are chances that the demons in his father's realm won't leave them alone when Magnus goes to his father's home to confront him about taking Alexander. There is also a very high possibility that his father will make one of them agree to something that will hurt them all in the end and Magnus is not going to risk it.

Taking a deep breath Magnus takes a step forward he uses his magic to make the entrance to Edom higher so he can step through and not have to jump in. He doesn't want to hurt his son in any way before he gives birth. When it's high enough Magnus steps through.

Edom is just as Magnus remembers it. It doesn't look like what might picture a realm of Hell to look like, quite the opposite really. It's green fields and trees and flowers, a fact that Magnus finds disturbing. He starts walking around the fields until he comes upon a house. One side of it makes look like a two-story while the other makes it look like a one-story. Odd yet somehow fitting for his father's realm that he shares with the demoness Lilith. That's the only description Magnus can give as it always appears different to anyone who sees it.

Standing at the front door Magnus looks around and sees that the demons are keeping their space; because of his paternal lineage no demon has ever really bothered Magnus in fear that when they died and (possibly) sent to Edom Asmodeus would do something to them. Not even bothering with a knock on the door Magnus just blasts it open.

With the door gone Magnus enters his father humble abode Magnus catches how his father's home feels more like a Hell than the place he's running. Upon entering the living room Magnus sees Alexander tied up his head hanging down, his normally pale skin is about half a shade lighter. The fact that Alexander's skin is already changing color has Magnus worrying.

"Alexander," Magnus breathes as he tries to go over to his fiancé's side only to be stopped by some sort of barrier.

"Hello, son," A deep voice says. Magnus turns around and sees dark hair, fair skin, and cat eyes staring at him. His father staring at him.

"I am no son of yours; you were just a sperm donor. Now tell me why you have Alexander!"

Asmodeus snickers. "As you know the rift to my realm has been open for quite some time. Well, months ago I received word that my son is pregnant. So I paid a little visit to Earth to come and see for myself, and then I felt something shift. Not only is my son pregnant but he also has a mate, a Shadowhunter mate at that, the poor lad must have felt something when I went.

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