Chapter 2

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Magnus is using all the power he has to keep Luke stable and heal after the Alpha fought it out with his former Alpha and won. Magnus would hate to see what would become of the New York pack if they lost two Alpha's in one day.

Feeling his magic starting to falter the Warlock hopes that Jace has been able to contact his brother, Alexander Lightwood, and convince him to come and help Magnus. Magnus remembers meeting Alexander a few months back at Pandemonium, his club. After a little bit of talking Magnus had to excuse himself, which he didn't know why; after all Alec was stuttering and that meant he was an Omega, right?


It wasn't until he and Alec were in the same room when the Circle penetrated his wards did he find out that Alec's an Alpha. Magnus isn't sure what he's happy about more: the fact Alec is an Alpha or the fact that they don't have the same secondary gender. Magnus has been with Beta's and fellow Omega's never an Alpha, mostly because a lot of them tend to be rude, arrogant, and acting like they're a gift to humanity. Especially Shadowhunter Alphas.

Not Alec. Alec is different than any other Alpha out there. Alec seems like he cares, probably because his own brother and sister happen to be Beta's, perhaps because he's around both Beta and Omega Shadowhunters everyday, whatever the reason, Magnus is glad for it.

As Magnus feels a strong surge of Magic leave he hears a "whoa!" coming from the door then a leg is behind his back, his back near the person's arm and chest. He turns and sees pale skin, hazel eyes, and a mess of black hair. Alec. Jace convinced him to come after all.

"I need your strength," Magnus tells him, feeling his magic not working as well anymore.

Alec offers his hand. "Take what you need." There's something in his voice that Magnus cannot place, and he doesn't have the time to; grabbing Alec's hand Magnus can feel something before he starts taking Alec's strength and it only increases when he does.

They lean forward to give it all they have before Luke's body starts allowing Magnus' magic to heal him. When he's done with the healing Magnus feels his body lean back and fold into Alec's. "Are you all right?" the Alpha asks him. His voice soft and gentle.

"Yeah." Magnus can hear how breathless he sounds, his body feeling somewhere between heavy and weightless.

They both loosen the grip of their hands, yet it somehow seems tighter than before. Even though they should let their hands go. Alec picks Magnus and puts him on his bed, wanting him to rest for a little bit.

"But we have Luke! We need to move him so----"

Alec cuts him off. "We can move him later, for now you need to rest." Magnus can't, literary can't, protest any further so he lets Alec leave his room, shutting the door behind him so Magnus can get some rest.

It's an hour or two later when Magnus has enough strength to get up and move around. First thing he and Alec do is move Luke to another room. Magnus tries to use some more magic to try and help Luke with any adjustments, unfortunately his magic his magic isn't at full force so it doesn't go as well as he likes. He tries to make the bed more comfortable and ends up turning it into a bed of spikes, flowers, even a duck (Jace's face on that one had been priceless), after many more failed attempts the bed is back to normal.

Magnus doesn't get it. He's been far weaker before and has done a good job doing this, but for some reason even the simplest of tasks seems to take everything out of him.

Currently Magnus is in his kitchen making cocktails for both him and Alec, who is still in his home. After all his Parabatai and Clary have gone back to the Institute with Simon. Alec is cleaning the couch that Luke had been on. Magnus doesn't understand it, he can always clean the couch when his magic is back. He even says so.

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