Chapter 10

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Re-entering his room Magnus strips out of his clothes from the previous day. He's glad that his child it okay but he can't help but have doubts about who drugged him. He doesn't want to accuse Alec, but who else could it be? Alec picked the restaurant (though he offered to change it), Alec had been nervous the entire evening (of course it could've been because Alec still isn't comfortable with who he is and has----possibly----never been on a date with another man). There are so many contradictions if Alec is the one who drugged him.

Plus Alec made him breakfast, none of his other past relationships have ever done that. And what are the chances that Alec would run the risk of harming their child?

Shaking his head Magnus goes to his closet picking out an outfit, a Victorian one. The same one he wore the night that he summoned the memory demon and Jace broke the damn circle. Done getting dressed Magnus decides on some rings to wear, surprised to find some of his rings from yesterday missing from their spots.

Where are they?

Magnus is about to go out and ask Alec where the Shadowhunter placed his jewelry from the previous day when he spots them on the bedside table on the right side of the bed. Alec must have removed them the night before.

Going back to the living room Magnus sees Alec is sitting on a couch with a book open. "What are you doing?" Magnus inquires.



"Yeah. Mating research."

Is Alec really that uneducated when it some to being mates? Then again when they met Alec seemed more of the business before pleasure and most likely hasn't courted or been courted himself. (Something he finds laughable since Alec seems to be one of----if not the most----beautiful Nephilim of his generation, maybe the entire race.)

"Okay." Magnus' voice is distant as if he doesn't really care about Alec doing research, which he doesn't. "Well, I'm going out. I don't know what time I'll be back. Don't worry too much if I'm not back until midnight or later.

The look in Alec's eyes as Magnus opens a portal to leave, tells the Warlock that if he isn't back by a reasonable time then the Alpha will worry, may even come looking for the Omega himself. With no other words to be spoken Magnus goes through the portal to his destination.

Magnus steps on to the grass near the entrance to the Seelie Court. His first job of the day is to help some Seelie with something, then go and help some members of Luke's pack with a dispute, help some of Raphael's clan members, then help some fellow Warlocks.

The trees ripple and Meliorn, the Seelie Queen's bets knight and most fierce warrior, comes out. "Magnus, it's good to see you again."

"I could say the same. Why have I been asked to come here?"

"The Queen needs your help in tracking Camille."

"What has she done now?"

"The Queen won't say; not even to me."

"As much as I would love to help with Camille's capture, I'm afraid she also has multiple charges from the Clave. They'll want her before even your Queen, and I'm not even sure if the Clave will let her live either."

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