Chapter 4

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{Magnus' view on every thing}

When Magnus wakes up he shoves his face in to the pillow not wanting to get up. Stretching out his hand he expects to find someone else in his bed but all it is, is cold. As if the other person hasn't been there for a while, or at all. Perhaps last night was a dream, a dream induced by his heat. Perhaps Alexander was a gentleman who put Magnus to bed before leaving.

With a mysteriously sore body Magnus gets out of bed, goes to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee before returning to his room to shower. The warm water of the shower feels nice against his skin, helping him forget about his soreness. Turning the water off, Magnus dries off and goes to his vanity.

As he puts on his make-up Magnus notices a dark mar. It's on his pulse point; Maybe it's a hickey? Perhaps Alexander and I got a little heated in kissing before he left? Magnus thinks. Until he sees the teeth marks. A mating bite. Mating bite, sore body, images of last night flashing through his head. . . .

Their lips meeting, clothes flying to the floor, Alec's knot growing inside him and Alec biting down as he had cum inside. Not only did Alec give him a mating bite, marking him as his mate, but they knotted too. Knotting an Omega during a heat is a huge risk as the Omega has a chance of getting pregnant.

Pregnant. There is a good chance that he may be carrying Alec's child right now. Shaking his head Magnus pushes the thought out of his mind, after all he has a job to do, and worrying about the possibility of carrying a child is not going to help that.

Over the next few weeks Magnus has been feeling weird. he throws up in the morning since nothing seems to stay down, he's nauseous, hungry all the time. He has a friend, Catarina Loss, a fellow Warlock and nurse, check him out. As she uses her magic to check his vitals her eyes widen in shock.

"Cat, what is it?" He asks, voice filled with worry.

"Magnus, have you been mated and/or knotted recently?" She asks, surprise evident in her voice. The day he discovered his mating bite, he hasn't let anyone see it, or know for that matter.

"Why, what's wrong?"

"You're pregnant."

Pregnant. He's pregnant. With Alec's child. He's going to have a half-Shadowhunter half-Warlock child. This can't be happening.

"Magnus, are you all right? You're looking a bit pale."

"Fine." His voice is shaky.

"Well do you know who the other parent is?" Magnus nods. "Good. I hope you plan on telling the mother or father soon." With that she opens a portal to leave, not before congratulating Magnus, then she's gone; back to the hospital where she works.

Hours later and her words are going on in a loop in his head: I hope you plan on telling the mother or father soon.

Right. Telling the other parent. How is he supposed to tell Alec Lightwood that he's going to be a father when they haven't seen each other close to a month? The only contact Magnus even has to Alec is through his siblings, Isabelle and Jace, Biscuit and her friend Simon.

Looking down at his stomach Magnus marvels at the fact that he'll be giving birth in nine months. Then he thinks back to the night of conception, waking up the following morning with no one else beside him.

Maybe Catarina is right, he should tell Alec about their child.

Four months have passed since Magnus has seen Alec and he is very angry with him. If Alec woke up that morning not talking to Magnus, or at least leaving him a note, and avoiding the Warlock, how can Magnus expect him to be there for their child?

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