Chapter 14

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Magnus groans as his eyes flutter open from the sunlight streaming in through the windows. Feeling a weight around his waist he looks down to see Alexander's arm around him. Smiling he nestles into the young archer, the sun shining on the raven-hair man and making him look more like an angel than a Shadowhunter solider.

Magnus starts tracing runs on Alexander's chest, stomach, and side. As he tracing one rune repeatedly when Alexander's hold brings Magnus closer, showing that the Nephilim is starting to wake. "Good morning." Alec says, voice groggy and full of sleep.


"Can we talk?"

This catches Magnus' attention. What do they possibly need to talk about? "Go ahead." Magnus tells him.

"The first thing is that the Clave doesn't have the Soul Sword."

"What? Where is it?" Magnus exclaims.

"They don't know. Very few people know about it."

"Why are you telling me this?" Magnus moves and props his head in his hand.

Alec turns to face him. "Because it concerns you and our son, not to mention the entire Downworld."

Magnus looks down at his stomach, a frown forming on his lips. "How do you know if our son will die if the Sword is activated? He is half-Shadowhunter."

"That doesn't matter. Our son is still half-Warlock and if the Sword gets activated you'll end up dead and there is a chance our son may too. Honestly I'd feel better if you left and went into hiding."

"I'm not leaving. I won't leave." Magnus means it. When he makes up his mind there is no changing it, Catarina and Raphael have known him long enough to tell anyone who'll listen how stubborn he can be at times.

"If you're sure," Alec moves to sit up and rubs a hand over Magnus' womb, worry for Magnus and their son evident through their mating bond. "I just worry about you and him."

"We'll be fine, Alexander." Magnus reassures. "Now what else do you want to talk about?"

"What are we? Relationship speaking. I get it if you just want it strictly platonic and we can get rid of our mating bond, if you want."

If Magnus wants? Alexander is willing to go to the Silent Brothers or have a Warlock separate them from their bond so they don't feel each other, the only thing they'll have in common is their son. Does Magnus want their bond to be severed? He doesn't know, and he's sure that Alexander doesn't want to, yet he's willing if Magnus doesn't want it. How did Magnus get bonded to the most selfless Shadowhunter there is in existence?

Magnus decides to be honest. "I don't know if I want the bond severed yet. We can talk about it more after our son comes. As for our relationship, I don't know where we stand either. I----" Magnus is cut off by Alexander's phone going off. "Who is that?" He wonders as Alexander looks at his phone.

"It's my Dad."

There's something about the way Alexander says it that tells Magnus that nothing good as happened recently between the two. "Is everything okay between you and your father?"

"I don't know. After I found out about the Soul Sword I may have let it slip that with it missing it's going to affect my mate and child. The text you sent me broke the tension, sort of, and I left to go to you at the park. Besides Izzy, I have no idea how my parents and Jace feel about it."

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