~ 9th April ~

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15 years old....15 years old!! I genuinely can't believe I'm that old, it feels like only yesterday I was 5 years old. I had a very chilled out morning with my family and opened a few presents from my parents. They got me the Please Please Me Beatles vinyl and the CD of Yellow submarine, if you couldn't tell already I'm a massive Beatles fan. My mum always tried getting me into her music which I do listen to every now and then but I gravitate more towards older songs/artists. As I got ready for school I decided to play the record occasionally getting distracted which left me running a bit late. My dad dropped me off at the gates and I ran up to my group of friends who were waiting for me outside the gate.

"There's the birthday girl!!" Libby squealed with excitement.

"Hey guys." I say with a huge smile as I approached them.

"So, what's it like to be part of the 15 gang?" Ariana asked me.

"It feels pretty cool, I'm loving it!"

"So what did your parents get you?" Lily asked.

"They got me the please please me vinyl, absolutely stunning may I add! As well as the yellow Submarine CD which I'm hoping we can watch later at the sleepover."

"Sounds like a great idea!" Juliet says with a smile.

We start walking to tutor and begin talking about the plan for after school.

"I was thinking heading to McDonald's or KFC for dinner, go back to mine and play some games then watch a few movies." I tell them.

"I beg we do some prank calls, it will be so much fun!!" Ariana persisted.

"Oh my god if we did my dad would be getting involved, you know what he's like with my uncle!"

"More of a reason to do it."

I suddenly get distracted by someone walking into the room, I look up to see a boy who I saw quite a lot but never had the guts to talk to. I notice the others saw what I was looking at so I snap back into reality and pretend I hadn't lost focus.

"Looks like our girl Talia has a little crush on little Georgie." Lily whispers.

"Ooooh!" The other girls say in sync.

"Guys be quiet!!" I whisper.

"Talia you've liked him for so long, why don't you just ask him out?" Libby asked.

"Because he might hear me!"

"Okay 1. Friends references aren't funny and 2. He might also like you but you're too scared to say anything."

"What am I meant to say?"

"Hi my names Talia and I have an obsession with you, please go out with me." Juliet teases.

"The only reason she likes him is because he has the same name as a Beatle." Lily says with an eye roll.

"That's not true!!" I exclaim.

"Well....if you don't ask him out we'll do it for you." Ariana says with a wink.

I go to say something to her but am interrupted by the bell, I sit back in my chair and let out a massive sigh. As I look at my time table for the day I realise George is in all my classes and he sits next to me in the last lesson of the day! As much as I love it, today is gonna be hell. As the next bell rings we all rush to our first lessons, I had double English first which was right across the hall. I sat two rows behind him and every so often I'd glance at him and get distracted, I managed to zone back into reality but it got harder throughout the day. I tried my hardest in Maths and science to focus but he just kept popping into my head, I wish I wasn't having these thoughts. Then our last lesson, German. I really enjoyed this lesson, not just because I got to sit next to him but also because I found the language incredible. Especially when I heard George speak it, he sounded so elegant and sophisticated.....oh my god Talia stop it!!

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