~ 30th August ~

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"Please try and be safe!" Mum told dad as she hugged him tightly.

"Beth you don't need to worry we'll be fine." He assures her.

"Can you call me as soon as you get there please?" She begs.

"Yes of course, now we better go before we miss our train." He tells her before kissing her.

"See you later mum." I say as I give her a tight hug.

"See you later sweetie, make sure you take care of your dad." She tells me.

"I promise I will, we'll be fine." I assured her.

"No go on, have fun." She tells us as she separates from me.

Me and dad jump into the taxi waiting outside then head to the station, we make it just in time as the moment we step on the platform the train arrives.

"Dibs I get the window seat on the way there." I quickly say to him.

"As long as I get it on the way back."


We jump on the reasonably empty train and grab the seats that are closest to the doors, I grab the window seat and begin to relax as dad sits down next to me. The train doesn't begin to move for another few minutes so we sit there awkwardly for a bit waiting, eventually the train begins to head off and we finally make our way into London. It doesn't take us that long thankfully as we're only a 50 minute train ride from London Waterloo, I begin gazing out the window and I get flashbacks to when I last came with mum and dad.

"I remember the last time we came up here, it was not long after mum gave birth to Malcom." I say to him.

"That day was incredible, I'm so glad we managed to do it. I really felt like your mum needed a break and it was really nice to see her happy."

"I wish I had appreciated the day more than I did though, I've wanted to come back ever since then."

"Why didn't you say? I would of been happy to bring you up here."

"Because I knew it was expensive and you were having money problems at the time."

"You mean basically becoming bankrupt because of the wedding?"

"Yeah that."

"Don't tell your mum this but when I got Ariana to perform for us I didn't actually pay her, she offered to perform for us for free."

"Why have you been lying to mum about this?"

"Because I wanted to save up the money for us to have a really nice honeymoon, we never got to have one after the wedding because of having you and Malcom to look after. We felt it was unfair to just leave you alone at such a young age, we did debate bringing you both with us but your grandma has been so persistent about us going away together alone."

"As you should! Don't worry about bringing me and Malcom, besides I'm sure Grandma and grandad would love to look after us for a week."

"I'll have to try and persuade your mum, she'd never want to leave you both for a week."

"Under grandads supervision I can see why that would be a problem."

"You'd be served squeaky meat and dense potatoes every night."

"But I'm serious, you two deserve a week alone together away. Especially as you haven't had a proper honeymoon."

"I'll have to think about it, plus I'd have to decide where to take her."

"Why don't you take her to Greece, I'm sure she'd love to live her mamma Mia dream."

"I feel like Greece is super basic for honeymoons though, I wanna take her somewhere different."

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