~ 8th - 11th May ~

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8th May

Normally we go to Sorrento for our yearly holiday but I decided to suggest somewhere different this year, mum and dad were against the idea at first as they wanted to spend their anniversary in the place they got engaged but I managed to convince them it would be a good change. We managed to book a small cottage in Cornwall that was close to the beach, i also secretly booked a reservation for mum and dad at a restaurant for their anniversary which I knew they'd both enjoy. We woke up at about 5am so we could get going early and enjoy the day there but as soon as we got there we just spent the whole time unpacking and relaxing. For dinner dad cooked us some spaghetti which we all devoured, he normally can't cook but he wanted to do something nice for us. For the rest of the night we ended up watching The Prince of Egypt in the living room, a weird tradition we've had since I was small. The first day of any holiday we were on we'd always watch this film, no matter how tired we were or how late it was we'd always end up watching it. As the film finished mum carried Malcom up to bed whilst I stayed downstairs with dad.

"I can't believe you and mum have been together for so long."

"Talia it's only 15 years, you're 15" he replied with a laugh.

"I know but it still seems like a long time."

"Well when you spend that time with someone you love it doesn't feel very long. That's why we try spend every day like it's our last."

"How did you and mum even get together, I know uncle Adam introduced you to each other but you've never told me the full story."

He looked away, looking slightly nervous but he turned back towards me and tried acting normal.

"Well they were friends for a long while and I guess Adam thought we'd be a good match, he made me go on a date with her and before we knew it we were dating."

I sat there playing with my phone for a few seconds before speaking up.

"Do you think I'm making a mistake by getting into a relationship at such a young age?"

"No of course not, besides you never know how it's gonna turn out for you. If you both really believe you like each other and you're willing to keep the relationship going then you can have a life long partner. Just don't let him mess you about, if he does I'll have to sort him out."


"I'm sorry sweetie, it's just you're my daughter and I want to make sure you're happy."

"And I am happy, you don't need to worry."

Before he could get another word out mum comes in the room looking exhausted, she sits on the sofa and lays in dads arms. I really hope me and George will have something like that, something special.

"I should probably get some sleep." I say getting up.

"Night sweetie." Mum says.

"See you in the morning." Dad says.

I make my way up the steep stairs and into my bedroom that was at the front of the house, it was no loft room but it was decent for 4 nights. I make my way into my bed and attempt to get some sleep and get ready for the adventure we're gonna have tomorrow.

9th May

I woke up later than I expected but managed to get ready quickly into one of my favourite outfits. It was a small white sleeveless top matched with a knee length skirt as well as some cute sandals. My mum had the exact same outfit but as soon as I brought mine she decided to get rid of hers, I think she was jealous I suited it more than her.

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