~ 28th November ~

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"Why can't you tell me where we're going?" Mum asked as we made our way to grandma and grandads.

"I told you, it's a surprise!" Dad explains.

"Well from the direction we're going it looks like we're going to your parents."

"How the hell did you figure that out? I've gone a different route than usual."

"You think I haven't memorised all the routes to your parents?"

"When are you gonna stop being smarter than me?"

"Maybe when you get yourself more A levels."

"Ooooh she went there." I remarked with a small laugh.

"You can't say anything yet, you haven't even got your GCSEs yet." Dad snapped.

"It's not long before I do though."

"Yeah and she's gonna get more than you did." Mum joked.

"Remember I got an A and Adam didn't." He told her.

"That's the only thing you can use to back yourself up." She said with a laugh.

"Whatever." He said with an eye roll.

We pulled up to the house and jumped out, I helped Malcom out whilst George struggled to get out seeing as he was in a sling. He'd had a fight with Paul a few days ago which resulted in George dislocating his shoulder, I couldn't help but feel responsible even though I did nothing.

"Are you okay? Do you need some help?" I asked him.

"No it's fine I've got it."

I took his hand in mine and rubbed his arm gently and we walked up to the door, dad knocked and we waited for a bit before grandma opened the door.

"You made it!" She exclaimed with a smile as she let us all in.

"Hey mum." Dad said as he hugged her.

"Hi Johnny boo. Hi Beth, are you alright?" She asked as she hugged mum.

"Yeah I'm okay, kind of getting suspicious as to what Johnny has planned though."

"How do you know I have something planned?" He asked her.

"You always have something planned."

"Yeah you're right." He shamefully admitted.

"Hi Talia....oh god George, what happened to your arm?" Grandma asked in shock.

"Would you be shocked if I said Paul dislocated it?" He asked her.

"Oh god what happened between you two?"

"Paul started saying he's gonna get together with Talia, I said she hates him and so do I, he got angry, we got into a fight and he managed to dislocate my shoulder." He explained.

"I think it's time we get Adam and dad to beat Paul up." I said with a laugh as we made our way into the living room.

"Oh that reminds me, Adams coming round later." Grandma tells us as we sit down.

"Really, why?" Dad asked.

"He said he needed help with his car or something like that, I can't really remember."

Grandad then appeared wearing no shirt as usual as well as glasses.

"Hello bambino's, mini bambino's. What are you doing here?"

"Just thought we'd drop by and give you a nice little surprise." Dad tells him.

"Apparently Johnny's got a surprise for Beth as well." Grandma tells him.

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