~ 1st September ~

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Today was officially my first day of year 11, I was absolutely terrified but at the same time I was so excited to start off a new school year. Not as excited as George was though.

"Do you think we'll be in any of the same classes together?" He asks me excitedly as we head downstairs.

"Well hopefully, I doubt the teachers are gonna let us sit next to each other though because you can't keep your mouth shut." I moan as we walk into the kitchen.

"Morning you two, did you get a good nights sleep?" My mum asks who is sat at the table with dad and Malcom.

"We tried to get as much sleep as we could, just very nervous for today." George told them as we began prepping our breakfast.

"Well you'll both be fine, it's the first day anyway so it's not like you have a test to do or anything." Dad tells us.

"Unless our tutor gives us that horrible spelling test they give us every year on the first day." I explain.

"If she does I may actually have to jump out the window." George jokes.

"Might join you." I say with a laugh.

"Are you getting your time tables today then?" Mum asks.

"Yeah, we have to go to an assembly first though before we go to tutor to get them." I explain.

"I actually beg I don't have any doubles, do you remember just how bad double English was last year?" George asks me.

"Did we actually learn anything in English last year because most of the time we were watching Romeo & Juliet."

"Why you complaining about that, I thought you loved it as you got to see your crush Leo."

"You can't even deny he's cute in that film." I snap as we sit down next to each other.

"I'll allow it if you don't moan at me for saying the girl who plays Juliet is pretty."

"Honestly you crush on her as much as you want, she is gorgeous."

"Are you walking to school or do you want me to drop you off?" Dad asks.

"I think we're gonna walk today." I tell him.

"I'll pick you up as your dad needs to head over to grandma and grandads." Mum tells us.

"Why?" I ask.

"Grandad needs help with the loft and he's too impatient to wait until Friday."

"He wants to clear it out and Adams managed to get out of it, I'm stuck alone with your grandad for a few hours." He moaned.

"Why didn't you just lie and say you weren't able to?" George asked.

"George it's not that simple with my grandparents, they'd start interrogating him and honestly it's better to just get it over and done with instead of moaning about it."

Dads phone pinged and he picked it up then sighed.

"He wants me to head over there now." He moaned.

"But it's 7am?" My mum said shocked.

"Yeah but hopefully this means I'll be home earlier." He said picking up his shoes and putting them on.

"Well have fun, if you need anything call me."

"I'll see you later." He says before giving her a kiss. "Have a good first day you two." He tells us.

"Thanks." We both say.

He rushes out and we hear the door shut, we finish up our breakfast then clear it all up before heading upstairs to get ready for school. The school uniform is quite basic but I do really like it, mines a white polo shirt with a black skirt and a grey jumper. George's was also quite simple, just a white polo shirt with a grey jumper and black trousers. Once we finished getting ready we decided to head off to school as it was almost 7:45, we had to be there for 8:30 and it took us a good 35 minutes walk to get there. We said goodbye to mum and Malcom then began making our way to school, the street seemed quite busy and there were loads of kids on their way to school. It made me slightly sad that this was the last year we'd do this as George had managed to secure himself a job at a small shop around the corner from us so I'd be walking alone to college. After our usual long and boring walk to school we arrived just in time to catch all my friends (Ariana, Lily, Libby and Juliet) with their Boyfriends (Paul, Simon, Tom and Ethan.)

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