Not Alone

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The rain had minored it's strenght by quite a lot. Corpse could feel it falling on top of him as he got his clothes and curly hair completely wet.

He liked that sensation, he has always loved rain but he usually just enjoyed it from the window of his apartment, not outside, feeling how cold and purifying it felt on his face.

He was finally calm and himself. He could breath, see and think, yet he couldn't gather the courage to step in, not by himself. That's why he called Rae, hoping she could give him a hand.

He saw two dark figures coming out of the house, standing in the entrance for a bit and then walking towards him slowly. He was getting more and more anxious every single step that they got closer. He did a 180° and faced his car, away from the house remembering last second this was the first time they were going to see him in real life. He was wearing his mask and his eyepatch but he still felt completely uncovered.

-Corpse? is that you? -Poki said, also nervous but trying to sound calm to his friend.

- Let's see, black pants, black hoodie, black shoes, black car and curly black hair. Yeap, this looks like someone I know! -Rae said jokingly, trying to break the ice so her friend could relax a bit.

-Ehh... hey... - he said, still facing his car, still not knowing what to do.

-Corpse. You can be calm and take your time, we'll be right here for whenever you're ready. -Rae said, knowing how nervous Corpse was probably feeling in this situation.

-Yeah big guy! you don't have to stress it out, just take your time. -Poki said, supporting Rae's comment.

Corpse took a few big breaths and quietly responded

- Thanks for coming out here and all but... I don't know if i can go inside. 

The girls looked at each other for a couple of seconds with a disappointed look in their faces. They really wanted Corpse to join in but if he wasn't feeling up to it, they weren't going to push him

-It's okay Corpse... if you want to leave, you can leave. We'll turn around and you'll be able to go back to your house without exposing yourself more, if you truly want that but... -Said Pokimane with a calm and sad tone.

- We don't think YOU want that. If you want to push this to another time... it's okay! but... I have a feeling that that's not what you truly want, is it? -Said Rae with a more straight yet still friendly approach.

Corpse stood quietly for a few seconds and agreed silently. He was ready. It was time.

He slowly turned around and looked his two friends for the first time with his own eyes. Well, eye, technically.

-Hey -He said calmly

- Whaddup baby? -Rae said with the lowest pitch she could get

The three of them laughed, Corpse chuckling more than anyone. Both girls stood side by side with him each holding one hand talking to him normally as if this were an everyday situation which made Corpse feel the most normal he had felt in a while.

He wasn't alone, not before, not now.

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