Never Satisfied [18+, Skippable]

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Warning: This chapter contains explicit sexual interactions. You can skip this chapter and still follow the story.

Once they both stopped chuckling at her joke, she took the blouse off and threw it over the bathtub, there was no point in trying to clean it, it was just ruined.

She stood there, only wearing her bra, as she looked over to Corpse. He also looked at her, but it seemed to her like he wasn't up to keep going. At least from the way he was standing, it seemed like he didn't really know what to do next. He probably was already exhausted after all of that and she could understand why, that was pretty intense for her aswell.

She would understand if he didn't want to ''return the favor'' but, it would still obviously be a bit disappointing to not to get her climax as he did. She also was feeling like the atmosphere was kinda gone and Corpse was probably mentally tired after how far away from his comfort zone she had pushed him.

She decided to take charge, again, and not push him anymore. They could just go back to the party and have fun for the rest of the night, she was fine with that.

- Well, I think I'm going to have to borrow that hoodie of yours! -Said Poki, trying to sound confident and relaxed, as she started slowly walking over the hook where the hoodie was. She actually felt a bit awkward while doing it since Corpse didn't reply or move- I think you will have to-

Corpse quickly stood behind her, still having his shirt open. He wrapped his arms around her belly and pulled her over to him so she could feel his bare skin touching hers. He leaned in towards her right ear and whispered:

-We aren't even close to being done, baby -He said, getting even closer to her ear- I still have to take care of you.

She both shivered and smiled massively. Fuck yes, she wanted to cum so damn much.

-Now THAT is what I call top quality ASMR -She said while slowly turning around, she wanted to kiss him desperately and got a bit disappointed at remembering she couldn't.

Corpse gripped her butt intensively and lifted her up without even reacting to what she said. She naturally wrapped her legs around him as he holded her up by the ass. 

''Wow!'' she thought, ''what had gotten into him?!'' she wasn't complaining though. She was all for it and so fucking ready for whatever he wanted to do. It was clear that he wanted to take charge here.

He carried her over to the sink where he finally put her down.

''What was he going to do about his mask?'' she thought...he made it clear he didn't wanted to show his face. He will have to relay only on his hands... that's fine for her. After all the attention they got a few months back she was kinda curious if he was actually skilled at that. Not many guys knew how to do it properly, specially on a girl they haven't slept with before. She was going to say that it was fine for him to only use his hands so he wouldn't think she expected him to show his face now, she already knew he didn't wanted to go that way and she understood that perfectly.

-You can just use your h-

He stepped closer to her, leaning over as he started opening her pants with his left hand and in a swift movement unbuckled her bra with his right one.

- You don't have to worry about anything -He said, as he slowly pulled her pants down and placed his hand over her belly, teasing her pussy with the tip of his fingers. - I'll take care of everything.

He finally lowered his hand completely under her panties and started rubbing her pussy with two fingers up and down, and slowly sticking them in. He was standing right over her, not giving her much room to breath since he lean his head towards hers so their foreheads would be touching. He loved hearing a woman moan and watching her face expression was just making it better.

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