Be here for Him

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-HOLY SHIT! -Said Lily as soon as she was somewhat sure they couldn't hear her - What the hell was that?!

- I had no clue of what was going on there! -Said Toast who did feel they were getting a bit too close but never expected them to actually go upstairs together.

Everyone had somewhat the same reaction and even when they tried to keep dancing a bit longer, it was clear that they would prefer to sit and chat for a while. They left the music playing still, just a bit lowered in volume.

-My man was going in! -Said Scarra as everyone laughed alongside him - That was definitely the highlight of the night!

- Yeah, that was pretty crazy... -Said Rae in a calmer but still normal tone. She really didn't know how to feel about the hole thing, it wasn't like either of them were doing anything bad or like she had a crush on Corpse neither... did she?

She certainly wasn't sure and she knew that as a mature woman she wasn't up for party crushes that would only make everything more awkward between their friends. She just felt attracted to Corpse and she wanted to spend more time with him tonight, that was it. Corpse had become such a close friend to her during the past few months that she actually just wanted for him to be happy tonight and ''he definitely was happy right now!'' she thought giggling a little at that idea. ''Good for him'' she thought, I just hope he doesn't comeback so tired that he just has to leave immediately, she still wanted to talk to him a bit more since she felt she didn't get to do that much tonight.

Lily and Toast kept track of Rae since both of them noticed something going on during the dancing. She looked quite normal to be honest, she laughed and even cracked jokes about the subject alongside everyone but they did think she was a little bit on her head.

After a while the group started spliting up, Lily and Michael went dancing again while Scarra and Sykkuno went off talking about planing a livestream playing WoW. Toast and Rae were sitting together, just calmly chatting when Toast wanted to bring up the subject.

- Soo... Corpse was pretty great, huh? -Toast started, trying quite hard to sound natural - The guy turned out to be really good at parties!

- Yeah! he totally was! I'm honestly so happy for him, he seemed so nervous and ready to run away at the start and now well... I'm pretty sure he hasn't had this fun in a while! - Said Rae sounding really enthusiastic and honest.

Toast was caught a bit off guard, he was expecting something a bit less happy and supportive. She sounded so genuine aswell and he actually felt really glad that there was nothing serious going on behind the scenes.

- The dude is definitely having a blast... he actually looked like he hasn't seen anyone irl in a while and I believe we treated him pretty well. Hope he's having even more fun now! -Toast said laughing loudly. It was still pretty unbelievable what they saw earlier actually happened. This time tho, Rae did respond in a sadder tone.

- So... -Toast was actually going to ask directly, he has had enough beers to do so - I noticed that you were kinda.... staring at Corpse thorughout the night. What was that about?

- Wow! what are you talking about?! -Said Rae nervously surprised - I was not! and even if I was I was probably just keeping an eye on him to make sure he was ok!

- Ok! ok! There's no need to blush! haha -Said Toast laughing histerically, Rae's reaction said it all and she knew it.

- Come on Raeee... You know there's something more than that! -Toast said poking at her a little bit. He would regret pushing her so much in the morning but now he was too drunk to care.

- I... look, I did think he was kinda cute...-Said Rae blushing a little but sounding quite relaxed still, it wasn't such a big deal anyways. - and I did want to talk more to him tonight and I didn't get to, that's all -She said honestly, even laughing a little -You know we got close during this year and I just wanted to spend some time with him making sure he had a nice time since I knew this night was really important to him... Is that a CRIME Toast?! -She ended jokingly giving him a soft punch in the arm at the end.

Toast was actually a bit surprised at her honesty, he expected for her to just deny it and change the subject but she just went full out on him and he could both appreciate and even admire that. He probably wouldn't have been so open in her shoes.

-Yeah... you're right -He responded calmly, thinking about how he also wanted to make Corpse feel comfortable tonight.

-You... also think he's cute? -Said Rae in a serious tone.

- Oh hell yeah! he was hot af -Replied Toast, following the joke.

Both started laughing quite loudly. They were good friends.

- But yes, -Toast continued - I do want for Corpse to have fun tonight. He has been nothing but friendly and supportive whenever we've talked and I can tell he's a really nice guy who has had quite a tough life. I hope we can change that up a little bit for him. I want for us to be here for him.

Rae agreed both happily and surprised at how wholesome that sounded. Toast was really just a really sweet guy even if he always acted more sarcastic and egocentric whenever he was meeting new people.

Both turned around (along the rest of the party) to see Corpse stepping down by himself from upstairs looking quite awkward and nervous at having to rejoin the party after what they had obviously been doing. 

-Hey... Lily? -He said nervously, walking closer to Lily

-Yes? -Lily responded also being a bit awkward

-Poki asked me to... tell you... -Corpse was clearly really nervous even when it was something really simple -that you have to go upstairs... she needs help with something.

-Oh ok! -Responded Lily enthusiastically but blushing a little bit at thinking about what did Poki need her for. She stood up quickly and started going upstairs.

Corpse just stood there like a tree for a solid 5 seconds. He didn't know how to rejoin to the party. What if they were all talking about him? or about Poki? Could someone possibly be mad at him for this? What was he supposed to do?

Rae stood up confidently and grabbed him by the arm, standing by his side.

-Hey! you're finally back! Wanna come join me and Toast over there? -Rae said really naturally while already walking him slowly towards where she and Toast were sitting. -We're talking about Football and sports and all that good stuff that you love! -She said jokingly.

Corpse giggled, still really nervous but at least a little bit calmer. He sat right next to Toast who also said hi to him naturally and relaxed.

-Sure, I love Football -He said joining in on the joke.

They started talking normally like the good friends they were but Corpse was still really nervous during the first few minutes of the conversation, were Rae didn't let go of his hand, calming him as best as she could.

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