Movie Night

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He parked the car were they pointed him to. He was a good driver so he didn't take very long. The three of them were going inside slowly while chatting.

The other roomies were away since both decided to spend some time with their families so they didn't have to be afraid of making noise. Both girls grabbed Corpse by the arm (like at the very start of the night) the hole way to the door, being very friendly and supportive of their progressively shier friend.

Even when he had already spended a lot of time with both of them in real life, especially with Poki, he was still feeling a bit out of place while interacting with his two very talkative and extroverted friends. He had some trouble to keep up with them sometimes.

When they finally walked in, the girls left Corpse directly into the couch while they went to get some snacks and drinks to accompany the movie. He had no clue what movie they were going to put up but, at this point, it didn't matter at all. He was here to spend the final moments of the best night he has had in a while with the very people that had made that possible.

If it wasn't for their support, he wouldn't have stepped into the party, he would have runned back into his dark apartment without stepping out of his safe zone and a marvelous opportunity would have been wasted. 

An opportunity to improve, to change, to enjoy and to open up. All of it happened, thanks to them.

They couldn't see it, but Corpse had the biggest and dumbest looking smile printed all over his face. He was extremely glad over how everything turned out.

Rae was overjoyed that Corpse had accepted to come over. They were having such a fun time and she just couldn't tolerate the idea of the night ending so soon. That's why she approached Poki during the party back at the OTV House to tell her about this improvised ''movie night'' idea to which she quickly accepted, looking at her with a big smile.

- So... You really want Corpse to come over? -Poki asked giggling, noticing how Rae was a bit embarrassed over the situation.

- I mean... yeah... -Rae was turning red and was avoiding eye contact.

They were at the backyard since Rae wanted to keep the conversation private while she was already regretting mentioning it to Poki. What was she thinking? Poki was going to get the wrong idea, Corpse probably wouldn't accept and she was just making herself look ridiculous in front of her roommate. She was already cursing the few drinks that probably pushed her into thinking this was a good idea.

Poki noticed quickly that Rae was getting overly flustered and she wanted to pull the plug on the teasing as fast as she could. Last thing she would want is to make her roomie feel umcomfortable.

-Hey, hey, hey! don't do that! -Poki said friendly- It's perfectly fine if you want to invite Corpse over now, I'm sure he would be glad to.

-You... you think so? Won't it be weird? -Rae said shyly, recovering her cool thanks to Poki's supportive answer.

-Maybe a little but... he is a bit of a weird dude, isn't he? -Poki said jokingly, making Rae laugh softly -I'm sure it won't be too bad. Worst case scenario, he says no and we can meet up another day.

Rae was really glad with her answer and started to slowly walk back into the party when she felt that Poki grabbed her by the arm.

-Before we go back... -Poki started - Can I ask... why? Why you want Corpse to come over?

Rae took a deep breath and tried to answer as honestly and quickly as she could.

- Well... -She started, playing a bit with her hands - I think he is... pretty cool... and... kinda cute? -She started laughing after saying that last part - He is just really interesting and I would like to spend some more time with him...

-Girl, I'll get you your time with him.

The movie was already like 45 minutes in and Corpse was pretty sure that no one was even paying attention to it. They spended most of the time talking and joking about the hole night.

Corpse was sitting in the big couch that was facing directly towards the TV, Rae was sitting next to him on the left while Poki was in the smaller couch to the right of it.

After a while, everyone was getting more and more sleepy, the lights were off and they progressively payed more attention to the movie. Corpse blinked for what it felt like a second and Poki was no longer on the chair.

He felt Rae's sleepy head resting on his left shoulder.

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