I cannot help it

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Everyone got so hyped when they saw Corpse stepping into the dance floor. No one actually expected him to come over considering how nervous he was at the begining but he was more than welcome once he stepped in.

He wasn't exactly a skilled dancer but he wasn't a fridge either, he could pull some moves once he let the music guide him and having Poki leading him helped him a lot.

She was a really good dancer. He could tell that even when he wasn't a club type of guy (obviously). She started mainly trying to support him until he felt a bit more comfortable with the situation, but once he catched up she was unleashed. She was flowing so naturally with the music, this was definitely her element.

When both of them were more and more on it Poki started dancing closer to Corpse. He wasn't uncomfortable with it even when he wasn't used to this type of situations, he liked the contact and was more than happy dancing with a friend who also was an attractive woman. They were kinda killing it right in the middle of the dance floor picking up everyone's attention.

Sykkuno and Rae were having lots of fun, the couple of beers that Sykkuno had helped him loose up and Rae just had to guide him through the basics: Flow with the music and don't overthink. She did very well aswell, not as good and confident as Poki but she didn't have as much experience. She wasn't the club type like her but she did manage to have lots of fun. After a while Sykkuno was a bit more confident but he clearly wasn't used to this kinda thing but... he enjoyed himself either way so there was no reason to stop.

Everyone started shifting dancing partners but Corpse and Poki. They seemed to be in their own bubble, dancing closer and closer to each other, getting more and more physical with each song. Rae shifted first to Lily and then with Toast, she was having quite a bit of fun but she did get a bit more tense everytime they moved closer. She tried to hide it so much but Toast and Lily definitely noticed something going on there. She didn't want to admit it, even to herself, but she was getting jealous.

Suddenly, a slow song popped into the mix which invited everyone to dance closer than ever, Rae was with Toast, Sykkuno with Lily, Michael with Scarra and, of course, Corpse with Poki.

Pokimane didn't plan this night to go this way. She was really just trying to help out a friend who she really cared about to have a very good and fun night with friends. But she definitely knew that that wasn't on her mind right now, not anymore. Something about him was just really attractive to her but she couldn't pinpoint what exactly. Was it just his voice? She knew that wasn't it, I mean, his voice has an obvious impact when you first meet him but that really doesn't last that long and is not that influential. ''It's still fucking hot tho'' she says to herself giggling a bit while they look directly at each others eyes.

Corpse was having a really good night so far. Well, ''good'' doesn't really cut it. This was the must fun and emotion he has had in the longest time, maybe even ever but he felt a bit pathetic saying that even to himself. It wasn't because he was dancing closely to Pokimane that was looking more and more attractive every minute, he has had quite a few relationships before but every one of them became toxic after a short while. He was just too much to handle to most of them, he wasn't exactly an easy person to live with. The constant panic attacks and flair ups made it hard for anyone that wanted to be with him and he could understand that. His low confidence and shy personality didn't help either. But now, having all this friends around him and being confidently dancing with Poki really boosted his confidence by a mile. She did had a flirty humour, he knew that about her from before, so every time she winked at him or danced a little too close he would just remember that to himself so he didn't get a wrong idea.

Was it because of how friendly he had been throughout their friendship? Poki kept thinking. Whenever they got to chat alone on discord or phone calls he would always be the sweetest guy she had ever met. Well, next to Sykkuno. He was always so talkative and supportive and funny... ''Maybe he's just a catch'' she thought. He definitely was.

-Hey, Corpse? -Poki said, closing the distance between them, making them look like they were pretty much hugging.


- I think I have... -She reached to his ear to whisper the end of her sentence - a set of Cat Ears upstairs. If you want me to put them on...

Corpse's spine shivered like it had never done before. Was this what people felt when they first heard his voice? He couldn't really process what he had just heard... was Poki actually interested on him that way? why? She could get someone much better, even on this very party... why him? At this point he could only thank god or whoever was up there that he wore a facemask all the time because with his pale skin and how hard he was blushing right now he would look like a tomato. He just stood there like a statue for a solid 10 seconds.

-Is that a yes? -said Poki while giggling now at a more normal distance, but still quite close.


She giggled harder at Corpse's expression, something that she regretted almost immediately hoping that Corpse didn't think she was joking. She wasn't. It was very clear that he wasn't expecting that and it was pretty funny how nervous he got. Even tho, she didn't want to admit, she also was a bit nervous and possibly embarrassed if Corpse turned her down. She knew that was a possibility but yet she didn't want to be pushy with him. She just insisted jokingly and relaxed:

-Bob your head up and down if it's a yes.

Corpse leaned in towards her, right next to her ear, surprising her at his sudden and decided motion.

- ''I cannot fucking help it bro this cat girls always fall for me~''

Both chuckled instantly for a bit getting the rest of the groups attention, they didn't even noticed. Right after they both calmed down they went back to staring right at each other as Corpse started nodding his head. Poki gave him a big smile as she lead him by the arm to upstairs.

Note: Next 2 chapters are +18, their skippable and you can continue to follow the rest of the story.

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