Chapter 14

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You and Juuzou walk into a huge room with high ceilings.


His words echo through the whole room causing everyone to look at you and him. You look down out the trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone.

Juuzou notices your sudden change in behavior. He takes your hand and squeezes it tightly.

"Sorry N/N I forgot" he whispers into your ear. He has true regret in his eyes.

"It's okay. I promise" you say hoping to make him feel better.

Everyone already turned away from you two. The all focused on the big stage in the middle.

About 20 minutes passed when a man appeared on the stage.

"Welcome everyone! This will be your official CCG exam! We will first introduce the people who will evaluate you!" The man says.

Three men walk out onto the stage.

"I'm Yeager, I will evaluate your physical ability."

"I'm Okumura, I will also evaluate your physical abilities."

"And I am shizunco, I will watch over every aspect of the exam."

"However, though we each have an individual role we all will watch every aspect!" Okumura states.

"Great! Now that the introductions are over with I will take all of you to the examination area." The man says.

- Everyone walks to a giant area outside -

"Hey N/N are you nervous?" Juuzou asks.

"Kinda.....are you?" You ask.

"Not at allllllll. I know we both can beat EVEEYONEEEE!" He shouts quietly.

"Hehe you are so silly you know that?" You giggle.

"You like that through......right?" Juuzou says looking into your eyes deeply.

"Of course hehe" You say squeezing his hand.

"This is how the exam will work! We will send pairs to a VERY easy mission. There will be ghouls involved so be careful. If you and your partner decide you and not skilled enough to fight a can step down and try again next year. If you die you can never try again. You can pick your pairs. After you decide your partner you can walk up to this table and select a mission." The man says on a microphone.

"Hey Y/N you wanna be partners?" Juuzou asks acting like he doesn't know you.

"Hmmm with a weirdo like you? Of course!" You say walking up to the mission table.

Before you can grab a mission the big man stops you and Juuzou.

"Are you Y/N L/N and Juuzou Suzuya?" The man asks.

"Yes sir! I'm Juuzou and this is Y/N!" Juuzou says happily.

"From direct orders i will assign you a mission after everyone else has chosen. Please wait patiently." The man says.

"Come on Rei let's go wait." You say holding out your hand leading him to the back of the line.

"That was weird huh? Maybe we are to cool to pick first hehe" Juuzou says laughing.

As time progresses you notice that the man has approached no one else but you two. You begin to grow suspicious.

You get nervous. What if the know you are a ghoul? You begin to tremble slightly, it was so slight no one could notice. Except for Juuzou.

Juuzou x fem reader (based on anime)Where stories live. Discover now