Chapter 8

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Walking through the woods to your spot was calming, it allowed you to get thinking.

The path was beautiful, red and yellow splattered everywhere.

As you walk into your spot you notice something out of the corner of your eye.

JUUZOU! Juuzou was there waiting for you to show up.

"I figured you would be here...."Juuzou says keeping his distance.

He isn't acting like himself.

Crap is he going to kill me or something...he definitely knows crap.

"Yeah, it's the only place no one knows about...except you." You say looking down.

"So you are a ghoul huh. When did you plan of telling me?" Juuzou says sternly.

"I-i didn't want to tell you until I was sure you wouldn't leave me.....or worse kill me. But I guess that's out of the window now huh." You say.

"You were waiting for me to tell you my past. You wanted to know what grudge I could have." Juuzou states.

"Yeah. I expected you to find out eventually, I guess this is when you leave me right. Or are u going to kill me?" You say stepping closer to Juuzou

"Well. You are ghoul. And I hate ghouls. They all suck. They made me into what I am today. I hate every single one of their guts." Juuzou says starring directly at you.

"So I guess your leaving me too huh. Are you going to ki—" Juuzou cut you off before you could finish.

"But I don't hate your guts. You are different. And we made a promise right? I don't care you are a ghoul." Juuzou says stepping closer to you this time.

You have your guard up expecting him to pull something crazy.

"N/N I love you" Juuzou says leaning in for a kiss.

He kissed you're lips softly. He was telling the truth...he truly didn't care.

"I-I-I love you too Juuzou" You say still in shock.

"Yo-you don't care?" You say

"I'm in love with you. Just because your a ghoul doesn't change that. After all you are in the CCG academy to kill ghouls right. That must mean you are not bad...right" Juuzou says with barely any room in between you two.

"Yeah...I just want to kill them. For what they have done. I just just like killing them it'" You say looking down still.

"Come here. N/N it's ok I promise. I'll help you hide your secret okay, I promise. We will become the best CCG investigator partners EVER!" Juuzou says wrapping his arms around you.

Your legs grow weak. You have never experienced this before....

You drop to the ground, tears flowing out of your eyes. They wouldn't stop. You were so happy that someone finally stayed.

Juuzou and you just sat there, just like you did before. He didn't try to say anything to you, he just made sure you felt okay. He didn't know exactly what to do because it was his first time comforting someone as well.

His muscular arms wrapped around your cold body. The warmth emitting from him felt nice.

"Juuzou." You say finally getting a grasp on yourself.

"Yes love?" Juuzou says with a warm smile.

"T-thank you. And I-I'm sorry for hiding I was a ghoul....I just didn't know how you would react." You said looking into his beautiful ruby eyes.

"I promised you to never leave. Here I am. Forever with you. I know this is sudden but can you please tell me what happened to make you hate your own kind?" Juuzou said.

"Yeah I can. But let me you show you one of the main reason right now. Stand back I don't wanna hurt you..." you say standing up away from Juuzou.

You close your eyes. Your massive kagune is released. Probably one of the most powerful out there.

"N/N...." Juuzou begins to say.

You open your eyes. Your one eye is revealed to him. A look of shock, no, curiosity appeared on his face.

"N/ are beautiful...."Juuzou says abruptly.

"They didn't like you were one eyed..." Juuzou says.

"Let's go back to my dorm. I'll explain everything to you. No more secrets." You say walking towards you dorm.

"OH YEAH WE BOTH HAVE DORMS I FORGOTTTT YAYYYY I GET TO SEE YOUR DORM!!" Juuzou hollers changing back to his normal self.

Juuzou unexpectedly picks you up bridal style and carry's you to your dorm.

Juuzou x fem reader (based on anime)Where stories live. Discover now