Chapter 4

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You began to walk towards your normal spot. You love this scenery on the way to the woods, it is really calming to the mind.

"BOO!!" Juuzou says placing his hands on your shoulders.

You swing around taking out Juuzous legs and making him land straight on his back.

"JUUZOU IM SO SORRY!" You begin to say. You didn't know it was him, you always know when someone is coming but it's different with him.

"I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS YOU I DIDNT MEAN TO IM SO SORRY" You continue to blabber on while juuzou sits in shock.

"Juuzou?" You are now concerned why he won't respond to you. He stares at you like he is still in awe of what just happened.

"N/N I'm sorry" Juuzou says unexpectedly.

"No. Why are you the one apologizing, I'm the one who flipped you." You say pondering over why he said sorry.

"No but I shouldn't have snuck up on you. You're not used to having many people around you are you?" Juuzou says getting really close to your face.

As you begin to blush you squeak out "yeah, I guess I'm just not much of a people person."

"N/N don't look so downnn. I have never been around anyone eitherrrrrr. And N/N I'll stay around youuuu. I've never had a friend though no one really likes to be around me." Juuzou says returning to his normal self.

"I think you seem like a fun person to be around. Why haven't you had any friends?" You say out of curiosity.

Juuzou stares at you blankly

"I-i am so sorry I shouldn't have asked." You begin to say.

"N/N stop second guessing your selfffff. I guess no one is around me because of my past. Or maybe that I am crazy. Or weird. Or maybe because I seem like a psycho. Orrrrr it's my tendencies. Who knows I don't really care as long as I got youuuuu" Juuzou sings out as he skips away to your knife spot.

You feel your face flush again.

"Wait up Suzuyaaaa" You say running to catch up to him.

"CALL ME JUUZOUUUUU" he sings out.

Your thoughts begin to wonder on the way.

I wonder what his past is like....and why people would want to stay away from him because of it. I wonder why all he needs is me?

And why does that make me blush?
Why does my heart beat race when he is around too?

Whatever it is there is no promise he will stick with me. Especially if he find out what I really am. A one eyed freak. No one will ever accept me. Not even juuzou.

You get so lost in thought you don't even notice you began to tear up.

A warm hung engulfed your whole body snapping you out of your thoughts.

What's going on? What is this feeling?

As you begin to look around you see Juuzou has wrapped his arms around you. He had a goofy smile on as always, but something was a little different. He seemed concerned.

When you noticed his concerned look, you notice the tears flowing from your eyes. You don't even know when the last time you cried was. You didn't even cry when you killed your "parents".

"N/N it's going to be okay. I am here okayyyyy" Juuzou says with a huge goofy grin painted across his face.

All you can do is sob into his button down, the tears wouldn't stop. You tried to speak but nothing you come out.

"You don't have to tell me why, but if you want to I'm here to listen. N/N whether you like it or not. Whether your a people person or not. Whether people don't like you or not. I will be here, even if you don't want me too. After all you are my first friend and the first person to hang around me ." Juuzou says with cute, genuine smile.

This doesn't seem like the carefree crazy Juuzou you normally observe. He is different.

For a while you guys both lay there. You in Juuzous arms. For once you felt full bliss.

After a while you can utter a sentence.
"I am sorry for causing an inconvenience to my punishment from yesterday"


"Uh whoops sorry Juuzou, what do you want me to say?" You say acting like nothing happened.

After all you were best at masking emotion. It's what you have been good at your entire life. The only way you have hidden your half ghoul nature, the only way you have survived.

"Well for starters you shouldn't be sorry. And may I ask what was wrong N/N" Juuzou asks. He appeared like he had real concern for you.

Should you tell him you were crying over him... over him finding out you were half ghoul and leaving you? Should you...

I shouldn't he will just leave...

"What do you want me to do for my punishment from me losing yesterday?" You say dodging the subject completely.

Juuzou let's out a big sigh.

"It's okay, I get that your not ready to tell me yet. You think I'll leave like everyone else..." Juuzou says almost silently.

"WELLLLL... as your punishment we have to spend the ENTIRE day together!" Juuzou says back to his usual crazy self. He has that cute goofy smile on again.

"That's doesn't really sound like a punishment..." You trail off.

"Oh. What does that meannnnnn" Juuzou says interested.

"I was planning on doing that anyways suzuya" You say knowing he gets really cute when he is mad at that.

"Ughhhhh N/NNNNN I am staring to think you like seeing me mad" Juuzou winks.

"Well let's go to the academy then! And you have to be my partner in workouts!!" Juuzou says expecting denial.

"Fine with me, I've never had a partner before." You shrug off.

Juuzou and you begin to walk toward the academy.

Juuzou x fem reader (based on anime)Where stories live. Discover now