Chapter 15

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The boys release you and Juuzou from there hands. Several other boys have joined the group from before.


One boy starts to mess with Juuzous shirt.

"Are you sure your even a boy, look at you! You look like a girl haha. Why does a hottie like her stick around you a dork."

Another boy approaches you.

"Come on girl, you know we can give you a better time than that scrawny little guy." The boy smirks madly reaching out for your shirt.

You back off.

"Come on now girl, we have you and your friend cornered. What can you two do to escape us?" A big guy exclaims.

"The man must of been lying to protect you guys! Y'all definitely don't seem like the strongest compared to us! What weaklings" A second boy adds in.

The boy that was talking to Juuzou earlier smirks and makes a statement directed at Juuzou.

"If you don't mind we are going to all have some fun with your friend. Hope you won't mind. I mean you can't do anything about it anyways."

You shoot Juuzou and smile.

He smiles right back.

"She is my girlfriend haha silly guy" Juuzou says grinning.

The boy swings at Juuzou. Juuzou takes the hit.

"I don't care who she is to you. She is ours now." The boy says.

"Isn't that right sweetheart" He says touching your face.

"REI!!" You scream out.

"Aww she is scared." A boy in the back remarks.


"What the he- you are not screaming out of fear? Because you forgot about a dinner. Really." A boy says.

"Sorry sweetie both of you won't be home on time" The big boy says


"Play times over love." Juuzou says smirking.

"I agree let's have fun!!" You say smirking right back.

"I don't know what you freaks are talking about but we are going to undress her now good luck stopping us." The boy says reaching out to you.

Juuzou kicks him in the head.

"WHAT! GET HIM!" Three boys yell out.

Suddenly you and Juuzou begin flying around back and forth. Both of you fighting together in harmony. Each of the men were knocked out. Except for two.

"W-w-we are sorry! W-we d-didn't know. Please don't hurt us." A boy wimpiers.

"What do you think Rei?" You say smiling brightly.

"Hmm which one touched you?" He asks.

"That one" you say pointing to a boy.

"Well. Never touch my girlfriend ever again. Sweetheart." Juuzou says kicking the crap out of the boy.

You and Juuzou begin to giggle.

"The man wasn't joking huh? You two were just playing with us? You could of escaped at anytime? Why? Why woul-" The boy is cut off by you knocking him out.

"He was talking to much." You say shrugging.

"Well let's go home and I'll make dinner!! Hopefully Mr.Shinohara will like it!" Juuzou says.

"Piggyback ride?" He says smiling softly.

"Yes!! Yayyyy." You exclaim jumping on his back.

Juuzou is a lot stronger than he appears. His muscular arms are often disclosed under his jacket and his stitches. Based on how he looks you wouldn't expect much strength. But he is strong. Super strong. You know what Big Madam did to him, so you hate when people say he looks like a girl. You hate it you hate them. They don't ever think about what someone could of been through. They don't think about anything.

"Hey N/N. If anyone every hurts you. At all. Just let me know, I'll always protect you." Juuzou says stone faced halfway through your journey to the fort.

"Rei...." You trail off.

"I really love you N/N and I never wanna be without you okay. I never though dying was a big deal until I met you. Now I understand. If you died I would be very, very sad." Juuzou remarks.

"And please never leave me." He ends with when we reach the fort.

You guide him into the fort before you say anything back.

Based on his face he seems like he is actually upset. You know it's something serious when he shows emotion.

You hug him tightly on the couch.

"Rei. I will never leave I promise. And I would be very very very sad if you died. Promise to live with me forever." You say.

"Promise." He replies with.

Juuzou then stands up and pulls out his phone.

"Hey Shino!!! Can we call of dinner?? What noooo...I-. No it's not because I forgot. Because we need to kill the dog! We want to pass soon! Please Shinoooooo.....YAYYYYY THANK YOUUUUUUU" Juuzou hangs up the phone.

He smiles brightly before saying "we don't have dinner anymore! Let's catch the dog now then we can become 1st class officers!"

Juuzou x fem reader (based on anime)Where stories live. Discover now