Chapter 9

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You and Juuzou finally reach the dorms. He is in the boys building of course, so it's against the rules to have a boy in the dorm. Oh well.

As Juuzou makes himself at home in your CCG issued dorm he begins to open up.

"I was kidnapped when I was younger" he began with.

"U-uh sorry I wasn't expecting you to be so forward with it haha. I'm sorry for that, please continue" You say not expecting him to start with that.

"Haha it's ok love. Well when I was little for the longest time I worked as a scrapper at a ghoul restaurant for Big Madam. Basically I killed humans, the better the show the more good boy points I would get. The more good boy points the less torture. But no matter how many I got I still got tortured. Over time Mama didn't want me to look like a boy because she though the ghoul costumers wouldn't like it as much. So....she castratized me. She wanted my testosterone levels to be cut short, hence my appearance now." Juuzou says plainly. It seems like this has no affect on him.

"Juuzou. I-I am so sorry. I-I—" you begin to say .

"But one day Mr.Shinohara and his team busted down Big Madams restaurant and found me. She escaped though. But since then I have been here, they wanted to put me as an officer immediately. But then they said I was to crazy." Juuzou says emotionless.

How isn't he affected? It seems like he doesn't want anyone to see him upset.

You grasp onto Juuzou. You couldn't form any words to say. His past was terrible, yet he hung around you. A ghoul. The thing that causes him so much pain.

You hold him in your arms this time. At first he just sits there, still. But eventually he grasps onto you too. His head going into your shoulder. You feel your shoulders get wet from his tears.

He hasn't cried. In what seems like forever.

You and him sat there for a while, him crying into your shoulder while you played with his hair whispering sweet things into his ear.

You let him know it's okay, that he is loved, that you are there for him. And that no matter what you will always be there to cry into.

After 30 minutes Juuzou whipped his eyes and looked into your eyes.
He just started to smile, that huge goofy smile you love.

"Well, tell me about you now N/N" Juuzou says while his eyes are puffy from crying.

"Well. I was breeded as a one eyed ghoul, my only purpose was to be one eyed. After I was born I was sold on the black market for money. The highest bidder could keep me and do whatever they wanted. I went through a couple owners until I was 10. When I was 10 a couple of ghouls bought me, they kept me until...yeah they didn't sell me to anyone else. I though they were going to sexually abuse me like everyone else, that the man was going to get some pleasure out of a one eyed 10 year old like everyone else. But they were different. They did so much worse. For the past 4 years of my life they did experiments on me every day. Checking my regeneration time. Seeing when my kagune will come. What it will look like. And more. They even took pictures of me to sell. The barely fed me to keep me weak. " You say emotionless.

"Y/N...." Juuzou says his mouth wide open.

"After 14 years of none stop sexual abuse, torture, experiments, and more I got tired of it. I figured out a plan. I made a perfect plan. I was going to kill my "parents" and become a CCG officer. I have always been smarter than most so my plan was full proof.....well until recent events haha. I ended up killing both of my parents with my kagune, making the body's look mutilated. The CCG found me and took me here to the CCG Academy. And that's when I met you." You conclude with, the same expression as always.


"Juuzou shhhhh someone will see you are here AND then they will find me too" You say shushing him.

As Juuzou begins to sit back down on the couch you see tears are streaming down his face, his face red with anger.

Anger for you. Sadness for you.

"It's ok I promise. I've cried on you to much already haha" You say trying to fight tears.

You hate crying, you have never cried around anyone except Juuzou.

"Cry. You can cry. Your past deserves a cry. WE CAN CRY TOGETHER WE DESERVE IT N/N" Juuzou says defensively. He has a massive smile across his face while engulfing you in his strong warm arms.

You both decided it was okay to open up. For one time ever, for both of you, you both were in heaven.

You and Juuzou fell asleep on your couch together. You on his chest and his arms still wrapped around you. You both are pretty short so you fit on the couch perfectly.

You wipe your eyes looking into Juuzous ruby ones.

"Soo how do we want to keep my secret" you say playing with juuzous hair.

Juuzou x fem reader (based on anime)Where stories live. Discover now