Chapter 12

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"MORNING DARLING ARE YOU READYYYYT" Juuzou says way more energetic than normal.

"Juuzouuuuuu it's super early still....our exam isn't for another 4 hours!!" You say irritated.

You're definitely not the morning type.

"I wanna throw knives this morning and practice combatttt....what if I told you I'm nervous?" Juuzou says pouting.

"Hmm....did you make me coffee?" You say winking.

"OF COURSE!! DOES THAT MEAN YOU WILL COME!!" Juuzou says super excited.

You nod your head and point to the coffee.

"N/N you can be sooooo needy hehe" Juuzou giggled as he brought you your coffee.

He then took a seat next to you. You rested your head on his shoulder and drank your coffee.

Eventually you finished and got ready

"WAIT N/N!!" Juuzou said suddenly.

"LET ME YOU KNOW I LOVE DOING ITTTTT!! AND YOU CAN DO MINE TOO!" He says pointing at your hair.

You sigh, handing him the brush, and taking a seat on the floor in-front of the couch.

"You wanna have matching braids? I'll do them for you" You say.


"Hehe finish brushing out my hair now crazy" You say giggling softly.

You like it when Juuzou brush's your hair the most. He makes sure to be careful and he it's really good at it.


You begin to brush his shoulder length, white hair out. He seemed to like you brushing it out too. You began a small braid in the front of his face. His hair isn't long enough for a lot so that's as good as it gets.

You then braid a piece of your hair to match him.

"I'll race you to the spot" You say taking off with your breakfast finger.

"NO FAIR YOU GOT A HEAD STARTTT" Juuzou says grabbing an apple on his way out the fort.

Once you both reach the knife area Juuzou complains.

"You always get a head starttttttr" He says crossing his arms.

"Nooooo hehe. You are just slowwwww" You tease back.

"No fairrrr you are a ghoul and alllllll." He refuted.

"Sooo I don't use any ghoul abilities when we race hehe" You wink back at him.

"Wellllll I CHALLENGE YOU TO COMBAT AND THROWING!!" He shouts determined.

"Fine. Who ever wins has to get the other person's favourite food" you say.

"WAIT how am I going to get yours love?"Juuzou asks confused.

"Hmm oh aboutttttt whoever wins gets a head start for the next 2 weeks!!" You say.

"2 WEEKS!! I AM DOWN! YOUR GOING DOWN Y/N" Juuzou says smirking at you. He knows that he never calls you Y/N. He loves seeing you flustered at the name change.

"Okay then.....Suzuya.." You retort.

He smirks at you getting his hand ready for combat.

"You ready SUUUUUZUUUYYYAAAA" You say making sure to annunciate his name.

"Hmm you love to see me mad Y/N" He says winking.

"And you love to see me mad too Suzuya" You say winking right back.

"I'm going to win this" You say getting in your fighting stance.

As both you and Juuzou get ready to spare, you both are super fired up.

When you and Juuzou "fight" you promised to never severely hurt each other, use ghoul techniques, and to only use basic sparing skills.

At first neither of you wanted to hit each other because you didn't want to hurt eachother. But both look forward to the challenge. It makes both of you stronger and better investigators. You love it, you love eachother.



Juuzou x fem reader (based on anime)Where stories live. Discover now