Chapter 5

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At the academy you and Juuzou take your normal seats. You feel Mr. Otanoshi's eyes on both of you.

Juuzou nudges you.. "Why do you think Oshi is staring at is like a pedo" he whispers.

"You noticed too? I don't know. Maybe he is a child predator or something"

You both begin chucking to one another.

"How do you know Mr. Otanoshi? You guys seem pretty close after all." You ask.

"Welll he was apart of Mr. Shinoharas team. He's the man who broke into big madams restaurant and found me." Juuzou says turning away.

"It wasn't my place to ask. I'm sorry" you say noticing Juuzou sunk into his chair.

"Hehe N/N you are so silly, it's okay I don't care about it at all. I'll tell you everything if you really want. It's the past it doesn't matter much anymore. After all it's like death. Everyone dies eventually so why does it matter." Juuzou says bluntly.

For once you have met someone else who sees eye to eye with you. Juuzou seems to understand the way you think....or maybe it's that you guys think alike.

"Wait did I creep you out like everyone else, don't leave meeeee" Juuzou says disheartened.

"You can be so stupid sometimes." You say.

"It's not creepy, I was just shocked you thought the same as I did. I mean after all it's not like I have had a glorious upbringing too." Before you can finish your sentence class begins.

"Okay class! Today we start training evaluations. First is individual exams and then partner exams!" Mr. Otanoshi stated.

The class begins to walk outside the CCG academy training grounds. The individual exams consisted of endurance tests, stamina, strength, agility, and weapon skills.

Before you start you notice Juuzou from the corner of your eye. He winks at you mouthing "Don't mess up N/N".

You turn away and begin your exam.

The individual exam is almost over. The last section is weapon skills, you had options to chose from: knives, swords, axe, and a scythe. The CCG academy didn't utilize guns in the exams do to quinque regulations. In the test you could either land perfect slashes/throws at a target or slice wood perfectly.

You obviously choose the knives, most students chose the sword option. It is the easiest after all.

Juuzou was 3 ahead of you in exams. He chose a knife as well.

Soon enough it was Juuzous turn. Before he began, being is crazy self, he turned around and said "hehe this ones for a special person." As usually he said this patting his head and sticking his tongue out.

You roll your eyes knowing it was directed at you.

He threw the knives up just like before. He nailed all of them but one, it was off by a little.

"NOOOO I MESSED UPPPPP NOW SHE WILL BEAT MEEEEEEE" Juuzou says jumping up and down looking like a lunatic in-front of the whole class.

"Juuzou suck it up already no one can beat that. It's practically perfect just shut up you psychopath." A fellow classmate shouted at him.

Juuzou x fem reader (based on anime)Where stories live. Discover now