Chapter 6

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"I-I-I am sorry if that wasn't right N/N. I've never kissed anyone at all and I didn't know if it was the right timing" Juuzou nervously shrugged.

"I hope that answers your question...nothing can separate us...not even ghouls." Juuzou said holding on to you.

You stand there stunned. He kissed you. Your first kiss. The first person you have ever became close too. There is a new feeling in your heart blooming. And it is love.

"N/N are-are you okay? I-I am sorry I-" Juuzou begins to say before you cut him off returning his kiss.

"Just don't break your promise please. Prove me wrong. Prove you won't leave me like everyone else Juuzou, please" You say with tears in your eyes.

"N/N I promise I'll stay by your side no matter what!" Juuzou says giving you the biggest hug.

Soon enough Juuzou and you parted finally could collect your lingering thoughts.

I am really hungry....I need to go home soon so I can eat it's the only time I can after all. That human food sucks.
Wait if Juuzou and I hang out all the time when can I eat? I need to tell him...wait he won't hang out at night with me.
I think
I should tell him right? He promised! But I don't know his past with ghouls and what the did...I must fin out before anything.
That's what I'll ask tomorrow. After exams!

Soon enough it's morning.

You wake up and meet Juuzou in your normal spot...but today you guys decided to play tag through the woods.

After your game of tag you guys went to the CCG academy to begin class.

"Yo Juuzou why is Mr.Otanoshi keep staring at us? It's kinda creepy now" you whisper in Juuzous ear.

"I have no clue it's kind weird...maybe he isn't used to us being around people I don't know. From your first interaction with him it seemed like he knew a lot about you already...what did y'all even talk about?" Juuzou asks

"Oh I though you heard us speaking" You say.

"No I was trying to but I gave up half way throughhhhh" Juuzou says lounging back.

"He was basically asking why I came to the academy. He said he couldn't tell like he could for everyone else. Then he went into my case file and asked me about my past and stuff. Kinda weird huh." You whisper.

"Your case file? That means something bad happened to you huh." Juuzou nudges your arm.

"It's okay you don't need to bring it up if it's painful cutie" Juuzou said

"I DIDNT MEAN TO ADD THAT LAST PART. IM SORRY N/N" Juuzou shouts making everyone in the class turn and look at us.

"Juuzou it's okay i kinda liked it...but sit down I hate when people stare" You say pulling at his shirt to sit.

"Oh sorry hehe" Juuzou laughed

"And by the way, my past doesn't affect me. Like you said it's the last it doesn't matter anymore. It's never affected me really I guess, what happened didn't really matter. I can tell you about it later if you want" You say hoping he will tell you about his too.

"Okayyyyyy, then I'll tell you mine tooo" Juuzou sings out.

Yes I can finally see if I should tell him or not after this!

Before Juuzou could say anything else class began once again.

This was kinda short haha sorry! The next chapter will have more action than dialogue so yayyy!

Juuzou x fem reader (based on anime)Where stories live. Discover now