Chapter 3

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Juuzou begins to follow you through the woods, masking his foot steps. You don't seem to notice him for some reason. You weave through the woods to your special spot.

You glance around to make sure no one was there. After you checked you pull out 6 knives you had on you.


Your knife soared through the air, one after another you threw them up in the air above your head. Catching them mid air and throwing each right at the bullseye.

"WOAHHH THATS SO COOL CAN I TRY TOO" Juuzou shouts making you jump.

"What the heck, why are your here?" You say so confused. How did I not sense him? I can usually sense everyone?

"Nooooooooo reason I was just soo bored and had nothing better to do. AND I am so happy I followed you. We get to throw knives together! YAY" Juuzou says while dancing around stupidity.

Boy he sure is crazy....

"Yeah yeah. You can only throw if you brought your own. I don't want you to mess mine up."you say.

"Oh and I'm sure you already have some on you, I can tell Suzuya." You add.

"Ughhh how did you know Y/N. And call
me Juuzouuuuuu. Okay myy turn, let me show you how it's done rookie." Juuzou says throwing back his button down shirt. His button down was lined with knives on the inside, maybe 36 of them. He had a black tank top on underneath, it revealed his unexpectedly muscular arms.

You try not to blush. Why is Juuzou suddenly kinda attractive. Ugh nevermind I wanna see if he is actually skilled.

"I'm no rookie Juuzou." You say winking jokingly.

Juuzous cheeks start to turn a light pink...

"Yeah yeah time to do this" Juuzou says throwing up his knives the same as you did. He chucks them at the same spot you did, only at a faster pace.

You stand there shocked that he actually knew what he is doing. You've never met someone who is actually skilled with knives.

"Soooo Y/N how was it" Juuzou said with a goofy smile across is face.

"I guess it was okayy. Let's have a challenge." You say wanting to know more about how he became so skilled.

"Okieee what challenge N/N" He says.

"N/N? Who is that?" You say confused.

"That's you silly, it's the nickname I gave you" He says winking.

You feel your cheeks begin to feel hot. Oh man why am I blushing again.

"Yeah yeah." You say trying to hide the fact you're blushing.

"The challenge is going to be who can throw the furthest and hit bullseye first. AND we have to hit at least 3 of them!" You say expecting Juuzou to be against it.

"OOOOOO YAYYYY this sounds fun. How about who ever looses has a punishment tooo." Juuzou adds.

"Sounds good to me, whoever looses has to do whatever the other person wants tomorrow." You say smiling.

"Sounds good N/N. I wanna go firstttt."

"You are a real pain Juuzou. You can go first I guess" You say winking.

Pink continues to work its way up Juuzous face.

He turns away and starts to laugh "N/N I'm going to make sure I will, don't hold back on me."

As Juuzou makes that last statement he begins chucking his knives to the far targets. Each knife thrown seems to be perfectly accurate, he never cuts him self throwing them up. It seems he doesn't care much about accidentally cutting himself either.

As the last knife is released from his hand you both race to see the target.

"Hahahah you messed up on oneeee" I laugh maniacally.

"Whatever, you still have to make all of yours to win. Sooooo basically I have a good chance of winning still" Juuzou retorts sticking out his younger and holding a L to his forehead.

"Fine let me show you up.... Suzuya.." You say knowing it makes Juuzou mad when you call him Suzuya. It's funny to see him act like he is mad when you call him that.

"Call me JUUZOUUUU N/N" Juuzou screams at you as you both race back to the starting spot.

"Or you can call me whatever you want. Just not Suzuya" Juuzou says winking at you.

Your cheeks get hot. Juuzou sees this and turns away. He turned away so you couldn't see he began to blush as well.

"Whatever Juuzou let me win this." You say ready to win.

Your knives begin flying in the air perfectly. One by one they are thrown into the wood. As the last on is released you see Juuzou sprinting to your target. You begin to race towards him.

When you both reach your target Juuzou starts to cheer.

"YAY YAY YAYYYYY N/N IIIIII WINNN" Juuzou sang out dancing around like a lunatic.

"Uh- there is no way. I-" you start to say before Juuzou cuts me off.

"Wellll N/N i win fair and square. Now you have to do whatever I want tomorrow" Juuzou says with the biggest goofy smile across his face.

Seeing him happy makes you smile.

"Whatever you definitely cheated, but until I find out why I lose." You say with a fake pouty lip.

"N/N don't be sadd. After all we get to spend the day tomorrowwww. Meet me at the academy at 5 am for the start of your punishment!" Juuzou says smiling.

"But Juuzou I usually train then" You say annoyed.

"Fine then I'll train with you" Juuzou says.

"Fine." You say slapping your hand against your head.

"See you tomorrow N/N" Juuzou says skipping away into the quite night sky.

As you gather your knives your thoughts begin to wonder.

I wonder what Juuzou will have me do all day tomorrow. Hopefully it isn't crazy, and hopefully I won't have to interact with anyone else at the academy. Another issue is if he notices I am a one eyed ghoul I'm screwed. He is obviously very skilled, and in order to be the way he is he must of went through a lot. I wonder what happened to him? Would he ever be friends with a ghoul? WAIT why do I care what he thinks of what I am. I haven't needed anyone ever. And those I needed left me. I don't need anyone. But then why do I feel like I need Juuzou? Why do my checks flush around him? Why does my heart beat faster? What's different about him than other humans or ghouls? But most importantly why isn't he afraid of me and stay away from like everyone else at the academy? Well he is just crazy....maybe that's why.

"Why do I feel like this" You say sighing as you walk through the cold night air.


Juuzou x fem reader (based on anime)Where stories live. Discover now