Your choice

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I woke up with a pounding head. I was going to snuggle into dereks embrace, but then a nauseous feeling came over me. I stumbled to the bathroom and knelt over the porcelain bowl, emptying the contents of my stomach.

I could hear Derek coming up behind me. He knelt down and rubbed my back with one arm, and he gathered my hair in the other. "Your okay." He whispered as I heaved into the toliet. I groaned as I stopped throwing up and leaned back into dereks arms.

After I brushed my teeth, I made my way to the kitchen where Derek was. "How you feeling?" He asked. "Like I'm never going to drink again." I replied. Derek laughed. "Mer?" He asked, turning serious again. "Yeah?" Meredith asked. "Do you want charges?" He asked nervously. I inhaled sharply and turned my gaze away. "I don't know." I mumbled. "I know you don't want to Mer, but what if he's doing that to other kids?" Derek asked. "He has a new family and new kids. I don't know." I said. "Meredith. We have proof of what he did. You would definitely win if you go to court." Derek replied. "It's not about that Derek. I... if he isn't doing it to his new family, I don't want to take him away from them. No one should grow up without a father." I answered. Derek sighed. "Mer, you know what I love about you?" He asked. I shook my head. "I love that you put others before yourself. I love it. But you have to take care of yourself and do what's best for yourself sometimes too. Especially now Mer. What he did to's unacceptable." Derek replied.

"I know Derek. I'll think about it. But we have to go to work now." I said with a sigh. Derek nodded and put his hand on the small of my back and led me out to the car. We drove off to the hospital.

(Derek POV)

I am really worried about Meredith. Not physically, but I'm worried about her mental state. The stress of everyone knowing I think is getting to her. And I'm worried that what her joke of a father did scares her. I have noticed that she's gotten pretty jumpy lately.

"Bye Mer. I'll talk to you later. Page me if you bend me. Love you." I said as we split ways. I watched her walk over to the locker room and enter the room.

"Shepherd!" Bailey yelled. She waved me over and I met up with Addison, Richard, Bailey, and Torres. "How's grey? Is she okay?" Bailey asked. "I don't know. She's been jumpy lately. I think he scares her, so whenever someone brings him up, it triggers something." I explained. "Like ptsd." Addison helped. "Like ptsd." I confirmed. "Does she want to press charges or anything?" Richard asked. "I don't know. I brought it up this morning, and she kind of shrugged it off. She said that he wasn't doing it to his new kids, she didn't want to take him away from them. She said she'd think about it though." I explained.

"Damn. That girl is way too selfless!" Addison exclaimed. I smiled and nodded. "I love it about her, but god does it get annoying. I just want her to take care of herself first." I said. "She's always been like that. Ever since she could speak." Richard said. I nodded and smiled. "I'm going to talk to her more about it tonight and I'll fill you all in." I said. They all nodded. "I have a patient, but I'll talk to you guys later." I announced as I jogged off to meet my patient.

(Meredith POV)

"What do we got?" Bailey asked as we ran up to meet the ambulance. "Mia Weathers, age 6, signs of sexual abuse and rape, probable vaginal bleeding, signs of neurological issues as well." The paramedic listed, but I tuned it out. 'This was me when I was kid.' I thought to myself. I swallowed deeply and helped load the kid into a trauma bay.

"Okay, page OB and neuro down here. Omallley, call the authorities, let them know what's going on, Karev bring this down to the lab." Bailey said as she handed him some blood. "Grey, are you okay to be on the case?" Bailey asked quietly after everyone left the room. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine." I stammered. "No your not. Go find another case." Bailey ordered. I can't leave the girl alone. I just can't. "Can I stay? With her?" I asked. Baileys gaze softened. "Okay." She agreed. I smiled slightly. "While your doing that, you can help me take her for a CT after her OB and neuro checks." She explained. I nodded.

5 minutes later, Addison and Derek both showed up. "What do we got?" Derek asked. "6 year old female, sexual abuse and rape. Blunt force trauma to the head." Bailey explained. Derek and Addison both turned their gaze towards me. "I'm fine." I said sternly. Derek scoffed and went to work on the patient.

"She's waking up." Addison said. "What do we do?" Bailey asked. "Just be quiet and don't make any sudden movements. She's gonna be scared." I replied. The little girl moaned in pain and she looked at me, her eyes wide in fear. "Mia, I'm Meredith. I'm one of your doctors." I said softly. She looked around at the other doctors. "This is Bailey, Addy, and Derek. We're all doctors." I explained. "Mia, can you say soemtning for me? I need to hear your voice." Derek asked quietly. She looked back at me, as if asking for approval. "It's okay. You can talk to him." I said soothingly. "W-what h-happened?" She stuttered. "You got a little boo boo. We're gonna fix it all up." I responded. "Good job Mia." I said softly. "Let's take her to a CT. Grey, go make sure it's ready." Bailey instructed.

I started to walk away, when a small hand stopped me. I looked back at Mia and saw her tight grip on my forearm. "Don't go." She whispered, tears in her eyes. "Okay. I won't go anywhere." I said softly. She nodded and held the grip on my arm. I looked up to Bailey and she nodded in understanding.

We rolled her to the CT room, and transferred Mia to a bed. "Mia, this machine is going to take you into that tunnel. It's gonna take a picture of you." I explained. "I can't go in with you, but I can stay out here if you wsnt." I said softly. Mia nodded. I put a radiation jacket on and looked up. I gave a thumbs up and the machine started. Mia whimpered and grabbed my hand. "Your okay. It's okay." I said softly.

(Derek POV)

Meredith was really good with the kid. She obviously knew what she was doing. "Grey seems to be doing a good job with her." Bailey said as we looked through the window and saw Mia and Meredith coloring on some books Meredith bought. "She certainly knows how to handle situations like these." Addison agreed. "She does. I'm worried about her. I'm worried about how this is affecting her mentally." I sighed.

"Derek, I'm gonna be honest with you. She won't get over this. She'll only move past it, but she'll never forget it. The only thing you can do to make it better is be there." Richard said. I nodded.

Meredith left the room and joined us. "How's she doing?" Bailey asked. "She's okay." Meredith replied. I looked at the tired expression on her face and frowned. "Go home Grey." Bailey said. "But-." Meredith started. "Let's go home Meredith." I said more sternly. She rolled her eyes and nodded.

When we got home, Meredith got into bed next to me and hugged me. "What's wrong Mer?" I asked worriedly. She started sobbing right there and then, her breathing becoming erratic. "She-she, the girl, she." She cried. "It's okay. Meredith. It's okay." I murmered. "It's not okay derek! She shouldn't have had to go through that!" Meredith cried. "I know. It's awful Mer." I said quietly.

That's what we happened all night until she fell asleep. I comforted her as best as I could, but nothing I did made her completely fine.

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