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(Meredith POV)

It's been almost two weeks since the incident, and it's been 3 days since Derek took me home. My back was still bothering me a little, as were my ribs, but the pain was tolerable. Today, Dave was coming over to the house to go over who i wanted to testify and all of that stuff.

I got out of bed and slowly went downstairs. I hadn't had my pain meds this morning yet. "Hi." I said as I entered the kitchen and saw Derek at the stove. "Hey!" He exclaimed happily as he came over and kissed me before helping me over to a chair.

"How are you?" He asked. "Good. A little sore. But good." I replied. "Oh! Here's your pain meds." Derek said as he handed her the bottle and a glass of water. "Thank you." I answered as I took the pills. "How are you?" I asked. "I'm good. I made some eggs, bacon, and toast if you wsnt it." Derek offered with a smile. I eagerly nodded my head and he handed me a plate.

"Dave is coming over today, right?" I asked, a little worried. "Yes, around noon I think." Derek replied. "You'll be there, right?" I asked nervously. "Of course." He assured. I sighed and ate my breakfast.

(Derek POV)

After we ate breakfast, I helped Meredith shower and get ready. Her back and ribs were still bothering her despite the medicine, so she accepted the help.

Dave arrived around 12 and I invited him in and brought him to the kitchen. "Hi Meredith. How are you?" He asked. "Good, how about you?" She asked. "Good. So, we have a few things to discuss today." He said. Meredith and I nodded. "So first, I'm still waiting to hear back from the judge on whether we have to go to court or not. I heard thatcher has gotten a lawyer in prison though, so it is a possibility." He said. I squeezed Merediths hand and smiled.

"Secondly, I want you to write down a list of ag least 5 people you want to testify if need be. Friends, family, someone who viewed the actual tapes before or has seen it firsthand." Dave said. "And lastly, we should go over what exactly you want to charge him for." Dave finished.

"Okay." Meredith said. "So, to testify, at least 5 people." Dave said. Meredith and I thought about it for a little while before she made her choice. "Dr Derek Shepherd, dr Richard Webber, dr Miranda Bailey, Dr Callie Torres, and Dr Burke." Meredith decided. Myself included, we all saw the tapes, so it was wise to chose us.

(Meredith POV)

I figured they would be the best people to testify, not only because they had seen the tapes, but because I know they care about me. "Okay, good. Now lastly, what charges would you like to press against him? There's a number of them. There's rape, child abuse, assault." Dave trailed off. "Probably all of them. If we can. Right?" I asked Derek. "Right. We want him to be locked away for a long time." He agreed.

"Okay. So, now that we have all of that settled, I think we are good to go for now." Dave said. "Do you think he has a good case?" I asked suddenly. "No, I don't. Meredith, what he did to you was inexcusable. And you have multiple pieces of evidence. And all he has is a testimony. I am very confident that we will win this case and you'll get justice." Dave said honestly. I nodded. "Thank you." I said. "It's my pleasure. Do you want me to inform your requests for testimony's or do you want to?" He asked. "Uh, we will." I replied. "Okay. See you guys around." He said as he left.

"That went okay, right?" I asked. "It did. Do you want to go to the hospital and ask everyone?" Derek asked. I nodded. "Let's get it over with." I sighed. Derek smiled sadly and we walked out to the car together.

When we arrived at the hsotpail, the first person I saw was Bailey. We approxhaed her. "Grey, what's up?" She asked. "Well, I was wondering if you could, uh, testify at the court thing if we have to go." I asked, embarrassed. "Of course Grey." Bailey said with a soft smile. "Thank you." I said. "Anytime Meredith." Bailey said.

"1 down, 3 to go." Derek said assuringly. "Richard?" I asked as we walked to him. "Meredith! How are you feeling?" He asked as he pulled me into a hug. "Good. Uh, can I ask you a question?" I asked. "Sure." He said. "Would you testify at the court? If I need it?" I asked. "Sure Mer." Richard said with a smile. "Thank you." Derek and I said at the same time. He pulled me into a hug once more and we went to find everyone else.

At the end of the day, everyone had agreed to give their testimonies and Derek and I went home.

He made me a nice pasta dinner. "Tired?" He asked as he looked at me with a smile. I nodded. "It's been a long time." He said. "It has." I agreed. "I'm proud of you Mer. I know this hasn't been easy." He said genuinely. "Thank you. Thanks for helping me with everything." I said softly. "Of course Mer. You are a strong woman. I love you so much." Derek said.

"Thank you." I whispered. We sat down on the couch at the end of the day and curled up in each other's arms. I never knew how lucky I was to have Derek with me, but now I do.

Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of uploads, I've been super busy lately! Hope everyone's doing well!!

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