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(Meredith POV)

Derek and I got up this morning and we immediately went on the computer looking for the best possible lawyer.

"What about this one?" Derek asked as he clicked on a lawyer. "Defense attorney David Johnson." I muttered. "Best defense attorney in Seattle. Won over 400+ cases in sexual abuse cases. Give me the evidence, I'll give you justice." Derek read. "What do you think?" He asked. "From the others we saw, this guy seems like the best." I said quietly. "Want to call him?" Derek asked. "Yeah." I replied. I dialed his number and before pressing the call button, I took a deep breath. Derek rubbed my back soothingly and I pressed the little green button.

"David Johnson defense attorney, how can I help you?" He asked into the ohone. "Uh, hi. My name is Meredith Grey, and uh, I want to report a, uh sexual abuse." I said as I swallowed thickly. "Okay. What's your abusers name?" David asked. "Thatcher. Thatcher Grey." I said as shivers ran down my back. "And did you know this man when he touched you?" David asked. "He was my father." I whispered as I held back tears. "Okay. When did this happen?" David asked softly. "About 25 years ago. I was 5." I replied.

I kept giving information to him for the past hour until he got all he needed for now. "Okay. Is it okay if I drop off some papers to your house and then to thatchers house?" David asked. "That's fine." I replied. "Okay. I filed a police report as well. We're gonna help you, doctor." David said. "Thank you." I replied.

"You okay?" Derek asked. I shook my head as I burst into tears. Derek wrapped his arms around me and cradled me in his arms. "I hate him." I cried softly. "I know." Derek said. "I can't do this." I said. "Yes, you can." Derek insisted. I cried into his chest for a while after that.

(Derek POV)

I knew the call to the lawyer would be tough, and it was. It breaks my heart to see Meredith go through all of this pain. As I'm holding her, I can physically feel her trembling against me, and when we go to court, I can't imagine what that will be like for her.

"You're okay. I'm here." I murmered. She grabbed a fistful of my shirt and wrapped it tightly in her fingers. "I hate that he has so much control over me." She said, her voice hoarse from crying. "I know Mer. I'm so sorry that he did that to you." I said quietly. She nodded and buried her head deeper into my chest. I pulled Mer closer to me and rested my head on hers.

After a little while, I noticed Meredith stopped crying and her breathing evened out. I looked down and heard small snores. I smiled and gently picked her up. She stirred at first, but then rested her head against me. All the crying must have really worn her out because it's only 11am. I placed her down gently in the bed and tucked her in. With a kiss on her forehead, I left the room quietly.

Merediths phone started ringing the minute I got into the kitchen. I picked it up and answered. "Ms Grey?" David asked. "Uh, this is Derek Shepherd, her boyfriend." I said. "Oh, hey Derek, uh is meredtih available?" He asked. "She's actually sleeping right now. The call was tough for her." I explained. "Okay. Can you relay a message for me then?" He asked. "Sure." I said as I got a notepad. "Tell her that I spoke to the judge and that the judge Wanrs evidence. Also tell her that I dropped the papers at thatchers and I'm going to drop yours off soon." David said. "Okay. Thanks, David." Derek said. "No problem. Take care of her and send me that evidence when you can." David said as he hung up the phone.

I decided to call Bailey to see if she could gather the tapes so I could pick them up. "Derek. What is it?" Bailey asked. "You're on speaker by the way." She added. "Oh, uh I was just wondering if one of you guys could gather those tapes. Mer and I spoke to an attorney today and he wants evidence." I explained. "She's pressing charges?" I heard Richard voice ask. "She is." I confirmed. "Good for her. Cant be easy." Bailey said. "Uh, yeah I'll collect them and put them in your office if yoy want." Bailey offered. "That would be great. We'll be back and tomorrow and I'll pick them up then. Thanks." I said. "No problem. Tell Grey I hope she's doing okay." Bailey said. "I will." I said as I hung up the phone. 

(Meredith POV)

I walked downstairs and smiled when I saw Derek resting on the couch. "Hi." I said. "Hey." Derek replied. "How you doing?" He asked. "I'm okay." I said. He looked at me with an unsure expression and I smiled. "I've been better. It's hard." I said honestly. "I know it is. What do you want to do today?" He asked as he put his arm around my shoulder. "Oh wait before you answer that, the lawyer called and said that he dropped off the papers at thatchers house and that he wants evidence as soon as possible. I got Bailey to gather the tapes and put them in my office." Derek explained. "Okay. We can just get them tomorrow and send them, right?" I asked. "Yup. Mer...do you know why he...videotaped what he did?" Derek asked timidly. "No. Maybe to humiliate me. I don't really know." I said sadly. I was embarrassed at myself for letting this happen.

"You know what happened isn't your fault right?" Derek asked, sensing my embarrassment. "But-." I tried to protest. "No." He said sternly. "None of thsi was your fault. You were only a toddler. You didn't chose for this to happen. Thatcher is at fault." Derek said firmly. I nodded and leant back into him. "I love you Mer." He said. "I love you too." I whispered back.

The rest of the day we just watched movies and talked together.

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