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(Derek POV)

Everyone left the room and it was just me and Meredith. She was rocking herself back in forth, her knees pulled up to her chest, hyperventilating. I walked to her and knelt down, slowly, knowing that a sudden movement could startle her.

I wrapped my arms around her small, shaking form. I was expecting her to push me away, but to my surprise she seemed to welcome the contact, and leaned into it. She sobbed full force, and it wouldn't stop. "It's okay, Mer." I murmered. "I didn't...and I can't... I." She stammered. "It's okay Meredith. I'm here. He's not going to hurt you. It's okay." I tried again to relax her. She sobbed harder, her breathes becoming more and more labored. I put one of my hands between her breasts and the other on her stomach. "In and out. Follow me. You can do it." I said. She relaxed her breathing, following my lead. "Derek." She cried as she grabbed my hand that was on her stomach tightly. "I'm here." I said quietly.

10 minutes later, she finally relaxed and calmed down. "I'm okay." She said. I stood up behind her and pulled her up with me. Before she left the room, she wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me. "I love you." She said quietly. I smiled and put my arms around her small frame, pulling her closer to me. "I love you too." I replied. She went on her tup toes and kissed my lips lightly. She pulled away and walked out the door.

(Meredith POV)

Derek calmed me down thankfully. Now a lot of people know. I'm ashamed rhat I let it happen. I know it's not my fault, but my conscience says it is.

I walked out the door, knowing that I had eyes all over me. I got to the nurses station and grabbed a few charts when I heard a voice. "Meredith!" The voice slurred. I looked over and saw the man who ruined my childhood. My eyes went wide in fear. "Meredith." thatcher slurred again. He was stumbling his way over to me, and I slowly backed up. Derek, who saw the man walking toward me, came over to me and stepped in front of me. Thatcher was now in front of Derek. "What do you want?" Derek asked. "Ohhh...are you one of Merediths man whores? She's a slut you know. You should run. She's a disappointment." He stammered.

Thatcher stepped violently toward me and around Derek, and Derek pushed him away. "Get out of here." Derek said warningly. Thatcher stepped back and turned around. "Meredith is a disappointment. She's a failure. Always has been and always will be." He yelled as he stumbled out of the hospital.

His words affected me a lot more than I thought they would. I just want someone to be proud of me for once. Derek turned his gaze toward me, and I could tell everyone else was looking at me too over the scene thatcher just caused. "Your not a disappointment Meredith. He doesn't deserve to call
You anyone." Derek said. My eyes watered and Derek wrapped his arms around me and led me to an on call room.

(Derek POV)

"Why? Why me?" She cried. My heart broke for her. As if things couldn't get any worse, he had to show up. "Mer, he's a sorry excuse for a man. He doesn't get to say anything about you." I soothed. I could've knocked thatcher out, but that would've probably upset Meredith even more. She starting sobbing uncontrollably again. "He ruined my life!" She cried. I pulled her closer to my chest. "I don't know what I did wrong!" She yelled. At this point, I'm sure people could hear her from outside. "Shhh." I soothed. "You didn't do anything wrong Meredith. He's the one in the wrong. We can press charges if you want to, then he'll never go near you again. We have evidence." I explained. "But- but then he'll hate me even more." She cried.

I wondered why she cared about that, but I wasn't in any place to ask her or judge her. "Okay. We don't have to if you don't want to. It's okay." I said softly. She nodded. "I want to go home." She said. "Okay. I'll take you home." I replied.

We left the on call room and quickly walked out the door, not even bothering to grab our stuff. I had my phone, pager, and wallet on me so I was fine to leave. We got into the car and I drove home.

20 minutes later, we arrived at her house. She got out and walked to the door and went in, I was close behind. "I need to drink." She said as she sat down on the couch. Normally, I would try to talk her out of drinking her sorrows away, but I decided against it because if I was in her place I would. I nodded and went to grab the tequila.

I came back with the tequila and 2 shot glasses. I poured two of our shots and she downed the first one and started to pour herself another. I put my arm around her waist and rubbed her back slowly. I slowly drank my tequila, not able to down it like she can.

On the 4 or 5th shot, she was starting to slur her words. "I think that's enough Mer." I said quietly. "Nooo." She whined. I grabbed the tequila and put it away in the kitchen. When I came back, she was crying softly into her hands. I went over to her and helped her up. I led her to her bedroom and put her into the bed. "I love you, Mer." I said quietly. "Love you too." She replied. I smiled and climbed into bed next to her. I put my arm around her waist and fell asleep.

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