I know how you feel

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(Meredith POV)

I went to work around 5 when I was paged in by Bailey. I quietly got out of bed without disturbing Derek and snuck downstairs. I have no idea why they're paging me.

I arrived at the hospital and changed quickly into my scrubs. "Grey! Over here!" Bailey said as she waved me over. "What's up?" I asked as I came over and met her outside of the patients room, which happened to be the little girl, Mia who I was treating yesterday. "The girl will only let you near her. She won't talk to anyone else." Bailey said with a sigh. "Me?" I asked. "Yes Grey. Can you please go in there and talk to her? See if she will let us bring her for a post op CT." Bailey asked. I nodded and quietly went into the room.

Mia looked up at me with big eyes. "Hi Mia. I'm Meredith. Do you remember me?" I asked softly. The girl nodded. "Is it okay if I come sit on your bed?" I asked. The girl nodded again. I slowly walked over and sat down on the bed next to her. "So Mia, we have to take another picture of you. Do you remember how we did it earlier?" I questioned. "Yeah." Mia said in a small voice. "Can we do that again? In a few minutes?" I asked. "Can you stay with me?" Mia asked, my heart breaking for the girl. "Of course." I replied with a smile. The little girl timidly reached out for my hand and grabbed it. I squeezed back gently and looked over to the window where Bailey was standing and gave a subtle nod.

Bailey nodded and came into the room quietly. "Mia, my name is Miranda. Can we take you for a CT?" Bailey asked quietly. Mia looked at me and I nodded. Mia then looked at Bailey and nodded. We rolled her out of the room and into the CT room, Mia still having a tight grip on my arm. I put on a radiation jacket and Mia was rolled in. I remember being scared. I remember being alone. I hated seeing someone else go through this.

When the CT was done, Mia came out and we brought her back to her room. Mia was asleep, so I just did some charting outside her room when Derek came up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Hi." He murmured. "Hi." I said with a smile. "Where were you this morning?" He asked. "Got paged in. Apparently Mia would only talk to me." I explained. Derek nodded and kissed my neck before turning me around. He looked into my eyes and pecked my lips. "How are you doing?" He asked. I hesitated. "I-I'm-I don't know." I stuttered. "I'm okay, but I'm not okay." I said, more like a question. Derek looked at me concerned. "I'll be okay." I confirmed.

I opened my mouth to say something when mias heart monitor started shrieking. Derek and I ran into her room and saw her eyes closed, yet tears streaming down her face. "Mia? It's Meredith. Wake up." I said gently. Mia shot awake and sat up, sobbing. She grabbed on to my arm and pulled me closer. I climbed into bed next to her and held her, rocking her back and forth gently. "You're okay. You're safe now. It's okay." I said softly. Mia, who was practically laying on top of me, grabbed on to my scrub top tightly. She rested her head on my chest and I felt her calm down and relax. Derek had left sometime before that. "Why are you being so nice to me?" She whispered. "I know what your going through, Mia. It happened to me when I was your age too." I admitted quietly. "It did?" Mia asked as she raised her head from my chest and looked me in the eyes. "It did." I confirmed. She nodded and laid back down on my chest. I rubbed her back soothingly while she fell asleep, trying to keep the tears at bay.

(Bailey POV)

I really didn't want to page in Meredith this morning, because I knew she hasn't been sleeping well, but the poor girl would only let Meredith near her. I don't know what she said to the patient, but somehow she gained her trust.

What I certainly wasn't expecting to see was my patient practically laying on top of Meredith. "What happened?" I asked Derek, who was watching through the window. "Kid had a nightmare. Meredith calmed her down." Derek explained. "Poor kid. Meredith did a nice job though." I said. "She did. I'm just worried that she's trying to ignore what she's feeling." Derek said. "She probably is, Derek. That girl always ignores her feelings. You need to confront her again." I said softly. Derek nodded. "Sorry for paging her this early. I had no choice." I apologized. "It's no problem. I just wish she'd get some sleep." Derek said. I nodded and looked back at my intern and my patient, feeling horrible for both of them.

(Meredith POV)

When Mia was in a deep sleep, I carefully slid out from under her and quietly left the room. "How is she?" Bailey asked. "She's okay. Sleeping now." I said with a yawn. "Speaking of sleep, Grey, go sleep. When she wakes up I'll let you know." Bailey said. I nodded and went to an on call room with Derek behind me. Derek laid down first and opened his arms for me to climb in to. I laid down and he wrapped his arms around me.

He kissed me neck softly. "Get some rest Mer. I'm not gonna leave." Derek reassured. I nodded, but before closing my eyes, I sighed. "Derek?" I asked. "Yeah Mer?" He replied. "I think-I think I want to press charges. I don't want him doing this to other girls." I admitted. "Okay Mer. Once we get home, we can get a lawyer and get in contact with him." Derek said softly. "I love you." He added. "I love you too." I replied as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Thanks to @598bella for the idea!

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