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(Derek POV)

"Derek?" Richard asked. I stood up and looked at them. "We had to go in immediately. The bleeding in her abdomen was severe, but we stopped it. She broke 6 ribs, one punctured her left lung. Burke went in and patched that, a big thing will be preventing that from opening again. Uh, her cheekbone was broken, but Sloan looked at that and said surgery wasn't necessary. Her left leg is broken. And finally, she slipped a disk in her back." Richard explained. "But-but she's alive, right?" I asked shakily. "She is." Bailey confirmed.

"Can I see her?" I asked. "Of course." Richard said. "She's intubated though." He warned. I nodded and he led me to her room.

My heart broke when I saw her bandaged face and her Intubed. Derek stepped into the room and slowly walked over to her. He grabbed her hand and stroked it softly. He felt so bad for Meredith. She didn't deserve this pain. What grown man can beat on his petite daughter? "Derek, you know this isn't our fault." Richard said. "Mhmm." I mumbled. "Derek Shepherd, this is not your fault. Don't even tell me your blaming yourself." Bailey said sternly. I nodded and looked back at Meredith. 

"She doesn't deserve any of this." I whispered. "No, she doesn't." Bailey agreed. "No one deserves this." Richard said. "I could've killed him. Thatcher. I could've killed him." I admitted. "I know Derek." Bailey sighed. "I called the police. They'll want a statement when Meredith is awake." I said. "Okay." Richard said.

3 hours later, Meredith started to stir. I grabbed her hand and waited. "Meredith, it's okay. It's Derek. I got you." I whispered into her ear. She opened her eyes and immediately started fighting the intubation. "It's okay. I'm gonna page Bailey and Richard to get it out. Relax." I said softly.

(Meredith POV)

Every fiber in my body was sore. I opened my eyes and noticed the tube immediately. I choked. "Your okay." Derek murmured. I was only slightly comforted by his words.

Bailey and Richard came marching in with worried faces. "Grey, we'll get it out. Don't worry." Bailey assured. They set up the extubatuom tools and started. "Cough." She instructed. I coughed and the burning in my chest intensified. The tube flew out and I cried in pain. "You're okay. Your alright. I'm here. I got you." Derek said as he held my hand. "Hurts." I cried. My chest was burning and my back was throbbing. "What hurts?" Richard asked. "B-back a-and chest." I cried. Derek moved to put his arm around my shoulders gently and leaned into me.

"Okay. We're gonna give you morphine." Bailey said. I had to chuckle at that, but winced when I felt my sore cheekbone. "O-okay." I agreed. Bailey pushed the morphine into my IV and I immediately felt the relief. "Oh thank you." I sighed.

(Derek POV)

"Will she be in this much pain for a while?" I asked. "Her back is going to bother her for a while. It's a slipped disk, and we can't do anything for that other than pain meds. And her chest is going to hurt too." Bailey admitted.

"WhT the hell happened?" Cristina yelled as she and Merediths other intern friends came running over. "Thatcher decided to go mad and attack her." I said sadly. "Is she okay?" Cristina asked. "She'll be okay. She may be in here for some time, but she'll be okay." Richard said. "What are her injuries?" George asked. "He didn't rape her, did he? Because if he did I'll pound his head in." Alex Interuptted angrily.

"No, he didn't.." Derek started, but couldn't say the word. "He didn't. She has a few broken ribs and they had to go in to resolve some internal bleeding, she had a punctured lung and broke her leg and got a slipped disk in her back." I explained. "God damn!" Izzie exclaimed. "I'll kill him." Alex said. I never knew Alex had a protective slide, but I was glad he did.

"You won't be killing anyone. You guys tomorrow off, right?" Bailey asked. They all nodded. "Then you can stay with her tonight and tomorrow. Do not kill anyone please." She said sternly. They all nodded and sat around the room. "You gave her morphine?" Cristina asked with a snort. Bailey nodded. "That's gonna be fun." Cristina said. "We had to. She was in a lot of pain." Richard said. She nodded. "I got to call our lawyer." I said as I excused myself from the room.

"Derek?" Dave asked as He answered the phone. "Hey Dave." I said. "I thought our meeting was tomorrow?" He asked. "It is. Was." I said. "Thatcher decided to visit the house. He didn't r-rape her, but he beat her. She's in the hospital. She'll be okay though." I explained. "She's okay?" Dave asked. "Yes." I replied. "Did the police take him?" He asked. "I think so. They were at the house and cuffed him." I explained. "Okay. Good. Do you have any video cameras In the house?" Dave asked. "Uh, I think so. Why?" I asked. "Evidence. We can charge him for this, too." Dave said. "Ohhh. I think Meredith installed them when she got the house reasons." I said. "Okay. When you have the chance can you somehow get that footage over to me? Maybe with the tapes? Or I can come pick them up at the hospital." Dave offered.

"Actually, if you could pick them up that would be good." I said. "Okay. How about tomorrow?" Dave asked. "Sounds good." I replied. "Okay. Tell her I hope she feels better. See you tomorrow." He said as he ended the call. I sighed and put the phone away and walked back into Merediths room.

"Hi." Meredith said sleepily. "Hey." I replied. "I love you." Meredith said. "I love you too." I said with a smile. "Lay with me?" She asked. "Are you sure?" I asked skeptically. She nodded. "Okay." I replied. I carefully got into the bed and wrapped my arms around her. "This good?" I asked. "Good." Meredith mumbled.

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