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(Meredith POV)

Today was trial day. Thatcher had somehow gotten his way and now we had to go to court. I awoke in my bed, Derek still sound asleep next to me, and I just laid there, thinking about the possibilities.

"I know your awake Mer." Derek said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I shifted towards him. "What are you thinking about?" He asked softly. "I'm scared." I admitted in a whisper. "It's okay to be scared." Derek said as he pulled me closer. I put my head on his chest and wrapped my leg around his.

"It's gonna be okay Mer. He doesn't have a case against you." Derek said. "But what if he does? He's manipulated me before he can do it again." I said. "We have evidence, Mer. He doesn't." Derek said. I nodded.

(Derek POV)

I knew Meredith would be nervous and anxious today, and all I wanted to do was try to comfort her. "Let's get dressed and I'll make some breakfast, okay?" I asked. She nodded. "One minute at a time. It's gonna be alright." I said as I cupped her face gently. She nodded and put her head on my chest while wrapped her small arms around my body. I did the same and held her close.

After we changed, both of us walked downstairs. Meredith was wearing a black pantsuit with a white shirt under and I was wearing a normal tuxedo.

I made Meredith and I some breakfast sandwiches and while I ate the whole thing, she was just picking at it. "Not hungry?" I asked. "Too nervous to eat." She said with a sigh as she pushed the plate further away from her. "We gotta go anyways." I said. She stood up and we made our way to the door, but before we left, I stopped her. "No matter what happens today, I'm always gonna be here, okay? You know that, right?" I asked as I looked at her sad expression. "I love you." She whispered, holding back tears. "I love you too. Now let's go win this thing." I said as I opened the door for her.

Once we arrived at the court house, we met up with everyone from outside. And when I say everyone, it was practically the whole hospital. "How you doing Grey?" Bailey asked. "I'm absolutely fantastic." Meredith said sarcastically. "I need some air." She added before walking away.

"She's very nervous." I said with a sad smile. "I bet." Bailey said as she worried for her young intern. "Shepherd, how's Mer?" George asked as he and Merediths fellow interns came over. "She's anxious, very nervous." I replied. "I'll kick his ass if he tries sometning today." Alex said angrily. "We're not kicking anyone's ass. And for the record, if he does try something, I'll kill him." I said sternly.

(Meredith POV)

I walked back over to the group and stood close to Derek. I hate being the center of attention. "You okay?" Derek asked. "I threw up." I whispered sadly. "I'm sorry Mer." Derek said. "I know." I replied.

"Court is in! Let's begin!" A loud voice yelled. We all filed into the large court house and took our seats. I made Dave let Derek sit up at the front with us. "Ready for this?" Dave asked. "We'll go with that." I said nervously.

"Today we are here to discuss the charges filed against Thatcher Grey, accused of rape, child abuse, and assault to the 3rd degree by Dr Meredith Grey." The judge, Judge Henry said.

"Dr Grey, we'll start with you. Please come to the stand." He asked. I stood up and walked to the side table next to the judge. "Okay, Meredith, how old were you when my client supposedly touched you?" Thatchers lawyer, Attorney Megan asked. "2 or 3." I replied. "And at that age, you knew how to say yes or no, I'm assuming, correct?" Megan asked. I nodded.

"So you didn't say no? You just let him?" She asked. "I said no." I replied. "Your honor, I would like to introduce you to evidence 1A." Dave said as he handed the judge a flash drive. Judge Henry put it into his cameras monitors and it played out loud. "No, stop!" Baby Meredith cried. The sound was heard throughout the court house and I shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"That sounds pretty evident to me, and based on what I'm seeing, you aren't going to have much of a case." Henry said, looking at thatcher. Thatcher scoffed and looked at Meredith angrily.

"Okay Dr Grey, you can go sit down." Henry said. I stood up and walked back to my seat next to Derek. "You did great." He whispered. I nodded and grabbed his hand.

(Derek POV)

"Dr Derek Shepherd please come up to the stand." Henry said. I stood up and walked to the chair up there. "Okay Dr Shepherd, what's your relationship with Dr Grey?" Megan asked. "She's my girlfriend." I replied. "So where we're you when my client allegedly attacked Ms Grey?" She asked. "I was at work." I replied.

"And is there any evidence of that?"Megan asked the jury. For a lawyer this one really sucks, I thought. "Your honor, here is evidence 1B." Dave said as he handed him a file. Henry thumbed through it and he was appalled when he saw the images of Merediths broken body. He popped in the other tape and then he saw the video footage of him attacking Meredith.

A few more questions were asked until I was told to sit down. Then came Burke's testimony, then Richards; then baileys, and everyone else's. It all went flawlessly.

Then thatcher had his turn to testify. "Mr Grey, why did you feel the need to harm a 3 year old child?" Dave asked. "Was the 25 pound 3 year old little girl causing harm to you?" He asked. "She-she was asking for it." Thatcher stuttered. "Asking for what?" Dave asked.

"She'd run around the house naked all the time! She was asking for it." Thatcher said angrily. "A 3 year old does not know how to change themselves. And why should that matter to you?" Dave asked. "I-I don't know!" Thatcher yelled. "Okay. That's enough. I've made a decision." Judge Henry said. I grabbed Merediths hand soothingly.

"I find Thatcher Grey guilty of child rape, child abuse, and assault. I'm sentencing you to life in prison." Judge Henry said. I smiled widely and turned to Meredith, who was crying freely. I pulled her close to me and she started full sobbing. "It's okay. It's over. It's okay." I said quietly.

(Meredith POV)

After I relaxed, we all walked outside and I sighed in relief. It was over. I said my thank toys to everyone and accepted their congratulations before Derek and o went home.

He started me a nice warm bath and the two of us got in. I sat against his chest and relaxed. "I love you." I said. "I love you too. We won." Derek said back. "We won." I parroted with a real smile.

Hey guys!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter is probably going to be the last one :/ hope everyone's doing well ❤️ stay safe

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