Secrets go untold

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(Derek POV)

I walked to the nurses station and saw Bailey, Richard, Addison, Burke, and Torres all standing in a huddle talking about something.

"What's going on?" I asked. "We found this box of tapes that are labeled 'Meredith'." Bailey explained. "Found? Like they were hidden?" I asked. "Yeah. They were behind all these boxes in the attending locker room." Burke said. I frowned. That's weird.

"Why would they be hidden?" I asked. "Who knows. Should we watch them or talk to Meredith first?" Richard asked. "Watch them. It may be something she doesn't want to see if you know what I mean." Addison winked. "Ellis wouldn't." Richard gasped. We all turned to him with amused faces. "Let's just watch the damn tapes." He muttered.

We walked to the attending lounge and went into the room. I smiled as I saw Meredith doing charts through the window. Bailey put the tape into the VCR and turned the tv on.

The video was very shaky for the first few minutes, until the cameraman put it on some sort of stand. There was a little girl visable on camera. She was tiny, 2-3 if I had to guess. "That's Meredith, right?" Addison asked. "Yes." Richard replied.

We continued to watch until we saw a middle aged man come into the camera. "Thatcher." Richard said. He came over and knelt down to Merediths height. "Now, your not gonna tell anyone what I do, isn't that right Meredith?" He asked eerily. I looked at Bailey and met her concerned gaze. Baby Meredith shook her head.

We watched in horror as he took off his shirt and pants, boxers included and walked over to Meredith, who was clearly uncomfortable. She was looking the other way, trying to distract herself from what was about to happen. "Take off your clothes." Thatcher instructed. "No." Meredith said. "Take off your clothes now. That's the last time I'm gonna say it." Thatcher growled. "No." Meredith repeated as she sat down on the floor. Thatcher came over to her and yanked her up, eliciting quite the cry from her.

He pulled her shirt off, followed by her pants and panties. Meredith was standing there, naked and afraid. Thatcher came over to her and roughly stated thrusting into her. Meredith was wailing. "Mommy!" She screamed through tears. Thatcher roughly clasped a hand over her mouth and yelled. "Shut up!"

"Okay, turn it off!! I can't watch this anymore!" Bailey yelled. Burke ran over to the tv and yanked the tape out. I looked at everyone with tears evident in everyone's eyes. "Oh my god." Addison whispered. I shook my head in disbelief. "There's gotta be hundreds of those tapes." She whispered.

(Bailey POV)

Watching that tape made me physically sick to my stomach. I looked out the window and saw Meredith peacefully doing her work. "What- what do we do?" Derek asked shakily. I looked at the chief, who looked lost. I knew Richard knew Meredith and her family a long time ago, but I didn't think he knew about this."

(Addison POV)

I knew that Meredith had a rough go with family. But I never knew how rough. Derek was heartbroken, you can tell. I looked over at Meredith and saw her doing charts, and I know realize why she was so guarded. Meredith was very untrusting, and she was scared. And it all makes since now. And I feel horrible for the way I treated her when I came.

(Richard POV)

I can't believe it. Meredith is like my little girl. I had no idea how thatcher was with her. I never noticed. I really could kill thatcher right now, but I'm in shock.

(Derek POV)

She's so guarded. I used to Blame her for that. But now I know why. "We should talk to her. Press charges against him or something. We have proof." I said. Everyone nodded. "Did she tell anyone about this?" Richard asked. We all shook our heads. "We need to talk to her now." Richard said. "I'll get her in here." I said.

I walked into the hall, relieved when I saw Mer still doing charts. I grabbed her elbow gently and pulled her back into the room where everyone was.

(Meredith POV)

"What the hell?" I asked as Derek pulled me into a room. I looked around and saw my mentors all looking at me sympathetically. I looked at Derek with a confused expression. "What the hell is going on?" I asked. "Mer, we know what your dad did." Derek said. My heart stopped. I hated thinking about what he did. And I have never told anyone about it. "About leaving?" I asked stupidly, trying to play dumb. "No Grey. Don't play dumb. We know what he did and we want to talk to you about it." Bailey said sternly.

"Okay. Well there's nothing to do about it so what is there to talk about." I said, wanting to end this conversation. "Meredith, you need to tell us everything that happened. When he started, when he ended, why he did it." Derek listed off. I don't want to talk about this. "Nothing happened." I said stubbornly. No one can know. "Meredith, we have the tapes. We found them." Bailey said. "Why do you have to know what happened rhen? You watched one." I replied. "Meredith, we can lock him up. He may be doing this to other children." Richard said.

I thought about it for a minute. This can't happen to another kid. "Fine. What do you want to know?" I sighed. "When did he start?" Derek asked. "I don't know. 2 or 3 probably." I explained. Their cases all turned sad. "When did he end?" Derek asked. "5, right before he left." I replied. "Why didn't anyone know? Why didn't your mother do anything about it?" Richard asked. "He said he'd hurt me more if I told anyone. And my mother was barely home. He did whatever he wanted." I said sadly.

(Derek POV)

Every piece of information I got out of her broke my heart even more. I noticed her breathing start to get labored and irregular. I looked over and I could tell she was gonna have a panic attack. "Okay. That's enough for now. Can you guys give us some room?" I asked. They nodded and left, in shock of what they just heard. I pulled Meredith into my arms, and she sobbed violently. I cradled her head against my chest. I just whispered soothing things into her ear and let her ride out the panic attack. I never knew why Meredith didn't trust me, but I know I'm gonna spend the rest of my life making sure she knows she can trust me.

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