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(Derek POV)

I woke up to quiet whimpers. I moved to see Meredith and I could see the tears coming from the confines of her eyes.

"Mer." I whispered, shaking her shoulder lightly. "Mer." I said louder. She shot up, and winced. "Owww." She cried. I gently helped her lay back down and cradled her against my chest. "You're okay. It's okay. I'm here." I whispered. "Der." She moaned with tears streaming down her face. "I know. I know." I murmured.

Seeing Meredith in this much physical and emotional pin made my heart hurt. "Hurts." Meredith said as she shifted. "What hurts Mer?" I asked softly.

"M-my back and c-chest. Derek." She cried. "I know. You'll get pain meds soon, I promise." I said soothingly. I discreetly pressed the call button and wrapped my arms  around her.

"What's going on Grey?" Bailey asked as she came into the room. "She's in a lot of pain." I said. "Her last dose for pain meds were.... last night around 7, so it's time for a new dose." Bailey said as she flipped through her chart.

"Grey, I'm gonna give you morphine now, okay?" Bailey asked in a soothing tone. Meredith nodded weakly and sighed in relief when the drugs hit her system. "Thank you." She said before drifting off into a drug induced sleep.

I quietly slipped out of Merediths bed when Dave texted me he was here. "Meet me in my office, 2nd floor room 100." I sent on my way to my office.

I looked at the box of tapes while he was on his way and I was disgusted. What middle aged father can do that to his child? A knock at the door pulled me out of the thoughts. "Come in." I said. Dave came in with a smile. "Hey." He said as he offered his hand. I took it and shook.

"How is she?" Dave asked. "She's...okay. She'll be okay." I said. "Good. Did you happen to get the surveillance footage?" Dave asked. "I did. One of our roommates took the hard drive out." I replied as I handed over the hard drive. "Thank you. And I'm assuming these are the tapes." Dave asked. "They are." I replied.

"So how are things going? As far as the charges?" I asked. "Uh, well now that thatcher was arrested that helped significantly. And we have 2 police officers, camera surveillance, and these tapes, so we have a pretty good case. I'm very confident we will win if we even go to court. This is clear evidence, and I doubt he has anything to counter that." Dave explained.

"That's good." I said. "Yeah. Uh, I should go. Im gonna bring these to my office and then get in touch with the court." Dave said. "Thank you." I said. He nodded and left the room right when my pager went off.

I quickly walked to Merediths room and smiled when I saw her awake. "She's high off her ass and wanted to see you." Cristina explained. "I...am not high." Meredith said. She totally was high. "I spoke to Dave. He said we have a good case and that he's confident about it." I said. "That's goodddddd." Meredith said. I chuckled softly and sat down on the couch.

"You know when I was little...thatcher used to occasionally throw me down the stairs...." Meredith said. "What was I saying?" She asked. "Thatcher." Bailey said as she stood at the door. "Oh! He used to throw me down stairs and into walls and he didn't feed me, and my mom didn't even notice." Meredith explained. It broke my heart to know she went through this and didn't have anyone to help.

"And now my mom doesn't even remember me and thatcher still beats me up. My life is greatttttt." Meredith said. "Grey, don't talk like that." Bailey scolded. "But it's true. I....am a failure. A big, fat, ugly failure. Thatcher knew it and so did my mom." Meredith said. It broke my heart to know she felt this way. "You're not a failure." I said softly. "He's right. You are not a failure, Grey. You're a survivor. You are a strong, indepenent woman. Don't let that scum bag make you feel that way." Bailey said sternly. "Mhm." Meredith mumbled, half asleep.

"Sleep Grey. You need it." Bailey said as she left the room, as did everyone else.

"He broke her confidence. He ruined her life." I said angrily. "Derek, Meredith is strong. She'll be okay and regain control of her life." Cristina said softly. "I know but....she didn't have anyone when she was a kid. She couldn't tell anyone. And now she has a hard time trusting people, and I called her out on it a lot." I said sadly.

"Derek, that's in the past. You didn't know what he did. None of us did. You can't blame yourself." Mark said. "Okay." I said dejectedly.

"Shep, what did the lawyer say?" Richard asked as he came over. "Uh, he said that since we have a lot of evidence, like those tapes, the camera footage from home, and the two police testimonies that we have a good case and he's confident that we will win. He said thatcher probably doesn't even have a case so we may not have to go to court." I explained.

"That's good." They all said. I nodded. "How long is she gonna have to be in here?" I asked. "Well, probably at least a week. Her back and ribs will bother her and she'll need help getting around with her leg." Bailey explained. "Okay." I whispered. "I'm gonna go sit with her." I said as I went into the room.

I climbed into the bed beside her and she unconsciously curled up into my body. She placed her head on my chest and draped an arm around my abdomen. "Mm love you." She said quietly. "I love you too Mer." I replied as I carefully wrapped my arm around her.

Early chapter today! Hope you guys enjoy!!

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