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(Derek POV)

Meredith had the day off today, while I had to go in to work. I woke up to my alarm and quickly turned it off In hopes of not waking Meredith. She stirred, but went back to sleep. I quietly changed into jeans and a sweatshirt and got ready in the bathroom.

When I finished, I walked to Merediths side of the bed and kissed her forehead gently. "I'm going to work Mer. Love you." I whispered. She mumbled something incoherent and went back to sleep. I chuckled softly to myself before leaving our bedroom and going downstairs. I grabbed a cup of coffee and quickly scribbled a quick note to Meredith before I left the house.

(Meredith POV)

I woke up in bed alone and vaguely remembered Derek kissing me goodbye. I got out of bed and trudged downstairs.

Once I got to the kitchen, I saw a note and smiled. "Mer, I left for work earlier. I said bye but you were half asleep. Love you. Call me if you need anything. Or just call me if you're bored." The note read.

I poured myself a cup of coffee that Derek brewed and sat down on the couch. I checked my phone and found a missed message from a random number. "You shouldn't have done that." It read. My brow furrowed and my stomach dropped when I saw a picture of the papers David dropped off.

I quickly called Derek and he picked up immediately. "Hey Mer." He said. "Derek." I said. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I got a weird text. I-I think it's from thatcher." I stammered. "Okay. What did it say?" He asked, trying to keep calm. "It said 'you shouldn't have done that' and he sent a picture of the papers David dropped off." I explained. "Der, I-." I started when I heard someone knock loudly on the door. "Don't answer that." Derek said to the phone. The knocking got louder and louder until the door sounded like it got kicked in.

"Mer? What's going on?" Derek asked. I could hear the worry in his voice. I peeked around the corner of the living room and saw thatcher standing there angrily. "He's here." I whispered as fear overwhelmed my body. "I'm coming. Stay on the phone." Derek said.

"Meredith. I'm here. You can't hide anymore." Thatcher said eerily. I stayed as quiet and as still as possible but I could hear him coming closer and closer. "I love you Der." I whispered.

Thatcher turned the corner of the living room and stared straight at me. "Found you." He said with a chuckle. His gaze turned red and he lunged at me. His hands went around my throat and pinned me against the wall. I dropped the phone and attempted the pry his hands off of me.

I couldn't breathe. He brought his knee up to my stomach multiple times, crushing my ribs. His hands were still around my throat, and I felt myself seeping into unconsciousness. "Help." I choked out. Surprisingly, he removed his hands from the throat and I gasped for air as I collapsed to my knees.

He smiled creepily and dragged me into the middle of the room. "Why did you send the papers to me?" He asked. " did...was....wrong." I said, trying to ignore the stabbing pains in my stomach. "No!" He yelled as he punched me in the face, making me fall to my back. "What I did...that was good. It kept you in line." He said sternly. I shook my head, tears forming in my eyes. He grabbed my shirt and pulled me up, forcing me to stand.

He pushed me with such force that I stumbled back and hit the wall hard. My shoulder throbbed, probably from hitting the wall. I fell to the floor once again, my vision getting blurry. "You...are an...asshole." I breathed. He punched me again and I fell on my back again. Repeatedly, he punched me, over and over again. In the face, stomach, chest. Everywhere. "Stop." I stuttered. "Derek." I whispered to myself. "He won't save you. You're worthless." Thatcher said as he punched me once again, sending me into a world of unconsciousness.

(Derek POV)

I raced to my car, not even bothering to tell the chief I was leaving. I could still hear Merediths heavy breathing and thatchers grunts, and I just hoped he wasn't doing what he did to her as a kid. Someone, thatcher I'm assuming, ended the call and I quickly dialed Richards number.

"Derek? What's wrong? Why aren't you at work?" He asked. "Meredith. Thatcher went to the house. Prep a trauma room." I said. "He what?" I heard baileys voice exclaimed. "I'm almost at the house. Please, just prep a trauma room and I'll call you when I'm on the way." I said as I hung up the phone.

I got to our house and I raced inside. I could hear thatcher hitting her. "Get the hell off of her!" I yelled as I ran in to the living room, gasping at the sight. Meredith was on the ground, unconscious, her face bruised and bleeding. I wondered what else was bleeding or broken.

I charged at thatcher full force and slammed him into the wall. "Get the hell out!" I yelled. I heard sirens coming from outside and saw the police barging in. "Sir, back away." One officer warned. "My name is Dr Derek Shepherd. This is my girlfriend Dr Meredith Grey. Her-her father did this. Please, I have to get her to a hospital." I begged. The officer nodded and I scooped Meredith into my arms gently and ran past them while the officers cuffed thatcher.

"Can one of you come with me? I need some help." I asked one officer. One of them nodded and helped Meredith into the backseat of the squad car where she stayed with me. The officer got into the front seat and zoomed to the hospital. I texted Bailey quickly that we were on the way and turned my attention back to Meredith. "Sir? Can you tell me more of what happened?" The officer asked. "Uh, her father raped and abused her as a kid. We filed a lawsuit against him and handed him the papers, and I guess he got mad and came here. Meredith called me and-and." I said as I held off tears. "Okay sir. We're here." The officer said as he pulled into the ambulance bay.

I lifted Merediths limp body into my arms and saw everyone gasp when they saw her. I placed her fragile form down on the gurney where they wheeled her away into a trauma bay.

I sat in the waiting room, running my hands through my hair and wondering had I been there earlier maybe I could've stopped this.

What seemed like hours later, Richard and Bailey both approached me.


Thanks to @598bella for the idea! Hope you guys enjoy!

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