Chapter 4

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The last chapter was changed a little.

Who was that God, was he another son of Zeus? But her father had said he wasn't, was he a son of her uncle Poseidon? She didn't know but she wanted to.

These thoughts churned inside Artemis' head as she sat on her throne waiting for Hermes to come back with Hades and Hestia. The other gods were already sitting down on their thrones, Poseidon and Athena were arguing about something, again. Ares was practically drooling at Aphrodite while she checked herself out in the mirror. Zeus and Hera were arguing too.

"WE HAVE ARRIVED!", Hermes announced as he entered the throne room with Hades and Hestia, who were talking to eachother.

Zeus and Hera straightened and Zeus conjured up two other thrones for Hades and Hestia to sit on.

"We, Olympians, have gathered here today to discuss the finding of a new God like creature found by my daughter, Artemis. Please do tell everybody how you found them, Artemis."

With that Artemis started speaking to the Olympian Council.


My daughter this, my daughter that.

Poseidon hated this, why weren't his children given a place in the council?

Zeus just wanted his children to get stronger. He knew if Poseidon got any stronger he could very easy become the king of the gods. Now, Poseidon had to be silent while Artemis rambled about some new God. The reasoning she was giving behind tha was because she couldn't catch him.

"Why can't you accept that a male is better than you?", he said to her and saw rage flare up on her face and her silver bow, with string made from the lightning bolts of Zeus himself, appear in her hands.

"You don't know anything, Poseidon. No male is better than me, except for Zeus himself, not even you.", even during her rage, she knew to not disrespect Zeus.

Poseidon was angry too, now. His trident appeared in his hand and his war armor on his body. His face was showed a blue hue, his eyes flashing in rage and other gods could feel his anger in his aura, spreading like tsunami waves.

"You will not talk to the king of the oceans like that, insolent woman.", Athena who was searching for a way to take Artemis' side found one. As she began to talk for Artemis, the court room was thrown into a frenzy, everybody was talking and nobody could be heard.

Hestia shaked her head, disappointed, before flashing away.


Perseus was angry. Her mother and Nyx wanted to take away his freedom so as to make his more powerful? He was happy as he was.

He was going to speak to his father about this. And, if he had to use force to do this. He would.


Anastasia was mad, sad, broken, and every possible angry and sad emotion possible.

She had to find her brother, he knew everything, he was the god of useful knowledge and creation, after all.

She wouldn't marry Perseus, she had made that decision and she was going to tell her mother that, but first she needed to find some support, Alexander would definitely support her.


Meanwhile, in the dark abyss of Tartarus, a raspy voice laughed at the foolishness of the Olympians. "We will rule again, and soon. Nobody can stop us. I am coming to free you mother. And I'll wreck havoc upon those insolent Olympians!"


Word Count: 691

Published: Tuesday, 6 April 2021

"There is so much more to the world...
You can go explore it. It's all yours."
                                                             ~Wilbur Soot.

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