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Life and Death are two entirely different matters, but they are quite similar too. But, for a being, immortal, neither matter for neither they are alive nor are they dead. They just exist and rule.

But there are exceptions to everything. Ouranos is one such example, he was killed by his son Kronos but he is still alive. How? He still lives in the sky as is his body, he can form a human body in the skies but cannot touch the ground. His first human body is dead but his second one, which he uses in the sky is alive.


The goddess of misery had, had enough of misery, she wanted to be happy for once. She wanted to laugh with her siblings, play with her child, make good memories. Obviously, that wasn't possible because she was the primordial of Misery and Poison. For eons, Akhlys had been in depression, for eons she had suffered. She would be happy now. She will search the skies to be happy if she has to.

And that's what she did. After her search for love in Tartarus ended after a century, she turned to the surface, not finding anyone worthy of her there, she went to the sky.


The night sky was full of stars and the titan Selene was driving her Moon Chariot across the sky looking for interesting things. As she peered into the human world, she saw Leto spending time with Zeus, he was at it again, Poseidon trapped in a shed with a mortal princess. Not noticing anything out of the ordinary, Selene looked at the stars and Constellations, marveling at their beauty, not noticing a dark, sad and powerful, extremely powerful presence behind her.

Akhlys was searching the stars, any nice constellation spirit? They were all animals. Some nice being? She was searching for one. She was lost in her thoughts not noticing as she was nearing the Moon Chariot and along with it Selene.

Selene turned at the last moment when she felt a extremely broken and powerful presence behind her. She turned on the spot and came face to face with the protogenos of Misery, Pain and Poison.

Akhlys was looking different than usual, her sunken eyes now, were looking sad but a beautiful yellow, her stringy grey hair now was black and flowed back to her hips, moving in the air. Her bloody red clawed cheeks that usually dropped blood were healed, a little pale. She was looking beautiful in Selene's opinion.

Akhlys watched as the younger immortal bowed to her. " No need to bow, Selene. I have a favor to ask of you, So I would prefer if you look at me as an equal." She told Selene who looked a little confused but obliged. With her silver eyes, darkest black hair, triangular face and tan skin, she was a woman to die for.

Selene was confused with the request made by Akhlys, but she had to listen to her as she quite liked being alive.

"What can a titan like me do for you Lady Akhlys?"

"As you know, Selene, I am the primordial of Misery and Poison but for too long have I been in misery myself, so, I want to be happy for a change and am searching for a, ah, a lover who can impregnate me and give me a child to play with." Akhlys ranted nervously, scared if the young titan would spread this news.

To say Selene was shocked was an understatement, she was stooped but also felt pity for the primordial of Misery. She decided to help her.

"Milady, if you are searching for a primordial, I would suggest Lord Ouranos, I know he is dead, but he can still take a human form in the heavens and can help you with your........ problem." Selene told Akhlys honestly.

Akhlys was looking at Selene with disbelief but knew it could be true, and if she mated with Ouranos, their child would be powerful as well as charming and handsome and smart.

"Where can I find him? Tell me Selene and I will forever be in your debt."

Selene pondered on it for a moment but having a powerful primordial along with their child on her side would always work in her favor.

"You will find him in his palace near the Polaris Lady Akhlys."


Ouranos was in a very nice mood, at last, he could have more children, with a beautiful and powerful primordial. Selene had told Akhlys the location of his palace and he had seen and heard everything, he wasn't eavesdropping per se but having super senses had some disadvantages.


Akhlys flashed toward the Polaris and could see a huge palace on a cloud. How did the Olympians not see that? She did not know.

The palace was beautiful, everything was made of gold, mostly white gold and white diamonds but the dome was made of gold and it looked stunning.

Akhlys flew towards the door, there were guards, cloud nymphs, but they did not stop her. She did not know why.

She just flew inside, the furniture and interior designing was, if possible, even more beautiful than the exterior. The palace seemed to be of three or four floors due to the high ceiling and it had lots of windows through which light streamed in, and for the artificial lighting, there were small replicas of Moon.

Akhlys just kept floating, invisible to all until she reached the throne room where on a grand white throne of clouds and jewels was sitting Ouranos.


"Welcome, daughter of Nyx, lady of poison, misery and death mist, Lady Akhlys." Ouranos boomed.

To say Akhlys was shocked would be an understatement, she was mesmerized by his beauty and wisdom, which was practically radiating off of him.

"Lord Ouranos, I am sorry for the unexpected visit but I've had enough of my Misery and would like it to end."


Akhlys was missing from Tartarus, noone knew where she was. Nyx had been searching for her daughter since more than a century but was unable to find her.

Unbeknownst to her, Akhlys was in pain, a lot of pain, as she gave to the first and last child of Ouranos and her's. She was happy, finally she could spend some time with someone other than Ouranos. Not that she minded spending time with him, he had only been kind and loving towards her and finally impregnated her after one hundred and seventeen years.

"Aaaahhhhhhh! Ouranos! It is happening!" She shouted and an ecstatic Ouranos entered the room as Akhlys gave birth to their son.


"Perseus, we shall name him, Perseus. Our little primordial of stars, Constellations, Clouds, Violent Winds, Deadly poisons, rainfall, combat and loyalty."


Word Count : 1583

Published : 22 December 2020, Tuesday

"To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return."


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