Chapter 12

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Destiny. For a mortal being, their destiny is often simple but some make it their destiny to achieve greatness. Take Alexander for example. The prince of Mesedonia, a small kingdom in Greece with a drunkard king and a cunning queen, a typical ancient kingdom. Nobody could've ever imagined that Mesedonia would be the biggest kingdom in the world. Alexander's destiny was woven like everyone else's but he rejected it, he got control of his own destiny and that is what made him so successful. He never lost a battle in his life because he took his thread from the fates, he wove his own fate.


"Who in Hades is Anastasia?", Artemis was angry, irritated and frustrated, why did she have to help this pathetic male, anyone could do that but the ideal method would've been to just torture the secrets out of him, but still her father, the high and mighty king of Olympus had to make Artemis help the 'god' of violent winds.

"Probably some cheap whore he bred.", Ares sneered at Perseus whose expression changed from calm and curious to angry and irritated in a blink of an eye. His face contorted in rage, his eyes flashed dangerously before he opened his mouth, "You really want to anger the primordial of-"

The angry primordial was once again interrupted by the goddess of moon, "Primordial? She can't be a primordial. Primordials went dormant centuries ago.", Artemis' silver eyes dulled to a lousy grey at the thought of facing a primordial, primordials were stronger than anything in existence, no primordial would need a God's help.

"Anastasia is the primordial of peace.", Perseus breathed out, realization dawning on him, Anastasia was the primordial of peace, how could she save herself if she were attacked, she herself won't fight, they could injure her forever, maybe even kill her. He didn't know how but he was horrified to think about it.

"I need to go.", Perseus' heavy voice filled the Olymoian throne room once again before he turned into a wisp of storm clouds, flashing away.


"Ah, Alexander. How nice of you to grace us with your presence.", Kronos mocked the primordial who walked in with his sister behind him, her hands binded.

"Lord Kronos, Lord Hyperion.", he said dropping to his knees, bowing to each of them. He moved his head back up, looking straight at the Titan lord in a robotic fashion.

"The prisoner has... decided to speak.", he told his lords before standing up, walking towards Anastasia, his leather Sandals slapping against the obsidian floor.

"Follow me, primordial.", Alexander basically spat on Anastasia as she gave him a scornful look, her eyes flashing dangerously. But, she complied, following her brother.

"What took you so long, Xander? I thought we would never the little bitch speak.", Kronos stared at Alexander with a dangerous tint in his golden eyes. His eyes turned to Anastasia who was looking at Kronos with eyes that made her look dead.

"How many primordials like you are still active on Earth?"

"Not many. But even one of them will be enough to stop you, Kronos."


Anastasia fell on the ground by he force of Kronos' slap. "Answer only what is asked. Do not give your opinion, bitch.".

Alexander once sky blue eyes teared up seeing her sister being treated this way but Kronos' control over him did not waver, the body was still being controlled by someone.

"Get up!", Alexander's deep voice echoed through the fort as he pulled aggressively at Anastasia, trying to make her sit up but no matter what he did Anastasia would not budge.

"What's the matter?", Hyperion's smooth voice filled the room, Alexander turned his head towards Hyperion, lowering his eyes, "I don't know, my lord.",

"Get away!", Hyperion pushed Alexander out of his way as he rushed towards the body of Anastasia, trying to pick her up but he couldn't make her move. As he sat down himself to look at her face, he gasped.

"She is not the real one!", Hyperion turned towards Alexander, his sword appearing in his hand, his shiny, golden armour on his body, he turned towards Kronos, "He must've freed her when you let him out of your control."


Meanwhile, on the surface of Earth, a very injured primordial tried to find her way out of a forest, tears littering her face.


Word Count: 930

Published: 6 November 2021

"A single choice can make or break one's life."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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