Chapter 8

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The power of primordial gods is unimaginable. They are so powerful that if a war wages between them, none shall survive. If we multiple the power of the world's strongest person by 10000, we would still not feel a fraction of the power a primordial has.


Two primordials in his grasp.

He could do anything he wanted. Anything. Atleast that is what he believed.

"Little primy! How are you?", he entered the chamber with his scythe in hand and two of his brothers flanking him. He wasn't scared of her but she still was as powerful as him if not more.

She looked up, not a trace of fear in her eyes. "What do you want?", if someone just heard her voice without seeing her, they would think that she was the one questioning not being questioned.

"Oh, dear Anastasia. You know what I want, and I shall not rest until I get it."

For the first time in her life, Anastasia had fear in her eyes. Fear for her friends and family. Fear of the mad titan king.


Perseus was worried. The power surge he had felt was definitely Anastasia's. Chaos knows what she must be going through to send those surges.

He couldn't even remember where he was going before feeling the earth shaking power of his friend, he had only one destination now- Alexander.

But, he couldn't locate him, none of he cloud nymphs knew where he was, none of the Constellations could locate him, and they knew everything.

If he wanted to find them, he would need the help of a hunter, of a tracker. And who better to help him than the goddess of hunting and her hunters.


Artemis had never felt something like this, never in her life. The aura that had spread through was more powerful than any she had felt at the Olympian throne room, meaning it was no God's aura. It was something more powerful. Something that could destroy the gods.

Not all her hunters had felt it though, only a handful. Atlanta, Brianna, Elizabeth and Zoe. The rest kept walking as if nothing had happened. Tgat was what intrigued her the most. Her hunters had skills beyond of a regular human, they should've had felt the force of the power but they didn't.

She turned her head towards an apple tree, south west towards her, and atop it sat the god she was searching for and he had a very annoying grin on his face.


Word Count: 529

Published: 15 August 2021

'Our Independence is worth more than our lives'
~Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel.

Author's Note: Should I make another story? I will focus on both of the stories and try to update new chapters every week.

Here is it's description:-

Percy Jackson. A normal teenager with excruciatingly handsome body. But is he normal? What would've had happened if instead of Kronos fading away without any resistance, his last act would've been to send Percy back in time?

Harry Potter. A freak in the muggle world, the boy who lived for magicians. What would've had happened if he was not alone? What would've had happened if somebody else had helped him? Someone who has more power than anyone can fathom.

The first chapter is out now.

The Broken Primordial | A Percy Jackson AUWhere stories live. Discover now