Chapter 9

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The hunters quickly drew their bows, arrows notched and aimed for Perseus' head, but he didn't mind. He knew that he could vaporize them with a single thought but if he needed their help, he would have to plead for it.

He eyes moved to Artemis, the goddess hadn't even cared to bring her bow, she stood there with her silver eyes, curious and hard. Just looking at her beautiful diamond face and silver eyes brought  a grin to his face, which made Artemis' get a little gold from the anger.

"What art thou doing here?", asked one of the hunters. She had a white gold tiara on her head marking her as the lieutenant. She was good looking too, with golden hair and near white skin. But before, she thought he was checking her out, he moved his eyes away from her.

"Relax hunter. I don't mean violence, I come in peace.", he talked to her but his voice Boomed, making every hunter hear it, even though he wasn't loud.

Artemis' bow finally appeared out of air, her small hands grasping the leather grip, there was a certain look in her eyes which came as soon as she touched the bow. The same fierceness he had seen a lot of times in Anastasia's eyes. He had even seen that look in his mother, Akhlys' eyes. But none of them were ever this fierce.

He could feel her breath in the air, everyone's breath. Slow and controlled, as if him being in front of them didn't even matter but as he heightened his senses even more, a small hunter made a mistake. Her breath was ragged and non uniform. She was happy. And he knew why, he had just made their lives a hundred times easier.


Artemis couldn't believe it, the prey they had been sent to search for, the prey they didn't have any lead on, the prey who was oneof the most wanted in Olympus right now had just come to her on his own.

But the smile on his face, she couldn't take it, she could feel her golden blood flush to her face in anger.

She could hear Atlanta ask him what he was doing here and him waiting for a moment before replying that he didn't mean any harm to them. She didn't believe that for one second, she controlled her breath and called upon her bow. She grasped the leather handle with her right palm, relishing in the power it provided her.

She tried to control her breath, so did the others as they were trained to, animals could feel them breathing, if it wasn't controlled, they ran away.

"You will come with me, if you want to prove you don't mean us harm.", there was a tinge of power in her voice and hunger, hunger to prove herself. It was kind of sadistic actually. She knew what Zeus would do to him but still she wanted to take him to Olympus. Because she wanted to see him suffer, as she had suffered at the hands of Hera.

"How do I know that it won't be a trap?", he wasn't as stupid as he looked but she was sure anyone wouldn't have come with her that peacefully.

"You don't. But if you don't trust me. We don't trust you.". To prove her actions, she nocked an arrow and aimed it at the weapon less god standing in front of her.

His eyes narrowed before he nodded.

"Fair enough. Where are you going to take me? Because I am not going to Olympus.", there was hardness in his voice, as if he had already made that decision for both of them.

"Thou dare to order our goddess?", Zoe didn't take very kindly to him ordering Artemis, neither did the rest of the hunters. Some went as far as to release their notched arrows.


Perseus looked interested, he looked alive as 13 arrows came towards his face. He had two choices, dodge them and prove his physical strength or must whisk them away, proving his godly strength.

He chose the latter.

A gust of violent wind blew all the arrows out of their paths by a flick of Perseus' irises. The wind blew all the arrows into a nearby tree, scaring the nymph half to death and making the squirrels above it jump away.

The hunters' eyes widened, noone had ever managed to stop their arrows from hitting their mark. Not even Zeus himself could stop their arrows, so was the boon given to them by Artemis. Many of the hunter's eyes turning towards the goddess who stood tall and proud with anger and shock in her eyes.

She let go of her arrow, it flew towards the other God's heart. And for the first time since he had arrived, there was panic in his eyes. An arrow shot at him by the goddess of hunting. He knew no wind would be able to waver this arrow. So he tried something different. The vapor in the air condensed to form patches of chilled clouds in between the hunters and him. The arrow flew straight in it, embedding itself in the shield of cloud.

And as soon as the cloud was away, he saw the goddess herself flying at him with her hunting daggers in her hands. One made of silver, the other of Celestial bronze. In that moment, Perseus forgot everything else. The only thing he could focus on was the goddess in front of him.

He pulled out his own blade. A leaf blade made of an alloy of celestial bronze and stygian iron. He parried the first strike, dodged the other. But the goddess never stopped, neither did the primordial. He matched every strike of her's with a defense of his own. The only reason he wasn't on the attack right now?

He needed her help.

"Stop!", his voice was barely a whisper but Artemis heard it and she didn't know why, but she complied. It didn't take a second for Perseus to drop his guard and return to his calm and collected demeanor.

The hunters were surprised, to say the least. This mysterious God had just parried every strike their goddess had to show. Amd he hadn't even broken a sweat.

"I will come with you wherever you want to take me.", he nodded at her before she took his hand and teleported both of them to Olympus.


Word Count: 1079

Published: 15 August 2021

'Try to become great and you automatically become successful, try to become successful and you never become great.'

~Amir Khan.

Author's Note: Words just flew out of my mind today. Also, I had nothing else to do. This fan fiction will now be updated every other week, on Monday or Tuesday.

The second chapter of 'A Half-Blood Against Time' is out now. Please check it out.

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