Chapter 3

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Artemis had her suspicions on the man who was spying on them but had to confirm if he was a God or not. Certainly, if he could run away from her hunters, he had to be a god. And the aura of power around him was enough proof.

"Atlanta, I have to go to the council, return to Camp." Artemis ordered.

"Yes, Milady."


Artemis told her hunters to look away and flashed away to summon the council.

As she flashed outside the council hall, because of the enchantments to prevent entering by flashing, she could hear muffled shouts coming from inside. Probably, Poseidon and Zeus fighting about who was stronger.

She walked inside to see, Zeus shouting at Hera.

"Father? What happend?" She asked.

"Go away, Artemis. Hera here has broken her oath of faith and loyalty to me and has given birth to a demigod."

"You dare to do anything to him, Zeus and all your demigods will suffer my wrath for eternity, I WILL KILL ALL OF THEM. You have so many children from other woman and I can't have one? You filthy hypocrite.", Hera ranted.

"Father, Lady Hera is right-" Zeus was about to interrupt but Hera shot him a look, shutting him up," And I come bearing some news, please call upon the council."

"What is the news, Tell us first.", Zeus ordered, his pride taking over.

"As you wish, I encountered an extremely powerful being by the name of Perseus during my hunt today. I gave him one minute to run from us and he was able to, confirming my suspicions of him being a God."

"Is he another one of your children, Zeus?", Hera asked, her tone, murderous.

"No, he is not. But we should call the council and Hades and Hestia too, to see if they anything about him."

As he said this, he smashed one of his lightning bolts into the ground and several gods started flashing in, the first one being Hermes.

"Hermes, bring Hades and Hestia upon this meeting too.", Zeus ordered his messenger and Hermes flashed away.


Perseus went to find his mother, Akhlys. Who knew what she did and where? He wondered while walking to her room.

As he reached the gate, he could hear small whispers. He wondered what it was and he turned invisible using most of his powers, so that the person  who was inside couldn't sense him.

He shifted his atoms and flashed inside except without any flash.

"You know, he isn't ready for this, Mother." Akhlys called out to Nyx.

"You want your son to be powerful or not, meeting and loving a goddess romantically will raise his power levels-", Nyx was stopped by Akhlys.

"As well as your daughter's." She spat out.

"Yes, as well as my daughter's. What is the harm in making both of them a little more powerful? Let them be. And they love eachother too, I saw them kiss yesterday too, believe me on this."

"No, bu-"

"Ouranos and Aether along with Hemera agree."

"Fine, but, do know that I'm not happy with this."

"I do not care about how you feel about this Akhlys."

Akhyls just huffed but didn't respond, even she knew she could not stop Nyx if she wanted something.

What neither Akhlys nor Nyx knew was that a raging Perseus had heard it all.


The thing, even Perseus didn't know was that Anastasia was outside the room and had heard the whole conversation.


Word Count : 602

Published : 25 December 2020

' Everything you want is on the other side of fear.'

- Jack Canfield.

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