Chapter 10

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She had no energy left. The shackles they had put on her hands were sucking off her powers. She missed her friends, her brother. Anastasia huffed, trying to take more air in, her cell was one of the only places Tartarus had allowed fresh air to circulate in.

The huge stygian iron door opened with a bang, a 10 foot tall giant walked in, wearing stygian iron armor, a celestial bronze sword strapped on his waist and a spear in his left hand.

Anastasia's eyes tried to adjust to the low amount of light as she was brought out of her cell. Her hands still cuffed, the difference being that the cuff was now connected to he giant's spear by a heavy iron chain.

Her irises danced around the hallway she was brought into, dark and mysterious with different items floating in hollow ridges carved in the black stone walls. But what caught her eyes was a silver blade, just a simple long sword with a golden handle. Alexander's sword.

Her mind exploded with thoughts and worry for her twin. They had his sword, that meant that they either imprisoned him or the worst killed him.

'He can't die. He is immortal.', she knew this but that didn't stop her worry for him.

Suddenly the giant pushed her. Hard. "Start moving!", he growled at her as realization dawned on her, she had stopped moving and was staring at Alexander's sword.


She fell to the ground, her left cheek hurting. The pain was visible in her eyes, "I told you to move.", he commanded her. She scrambled to stand up, her left cheek turning gold. Anastasia huffed as she got back on her feet, scurrying forward, afraid that the giant would get angry again.

They kept walking for what seemed hours before they reached the end. There was a big, black door on the right wall. She looked at he giant who pulled out a key from the numerous nooks in his uniform. Anastasia watched him as he unlocked the door with a clang.

But she never expected what happened next.

Outside the door, cloaked in darkness with a black sword on his waist and a bow slung across the back with numerous daggers strapped all over his body was none other than her brother. Her sweet, caring brother.


Perseus didn't think that Artemis would be this fast in flashing him to Olympus, but he didn't pay much attention to it. All of his attention was drawn to the beautiful, white city with gold palaces and numerous statues and portraits of gods present on the bustling streets.

Nymphs, demigods, minor gods, priests. All were enjoying the lavish hospitality of the city of gods. His eyes had widened, trying to take everything in at once. Artemis though looked bored as if she had lived here her whole life, which now that Perseus thought about was probably true.

"Follow me.", she barked before starting to move towards the biggest building present at a hill? 'Is a hill a hill of it is made of clouds?', he wondered before he saw Artemis glaring at him from several meters ahead.

"I'm coming!", he yelled at her before running towards her. Many heads turned to look at him then looking at Artemis before their eyes widened and they bowed to her.

Artemis didn't pay much attention to the bowing demigods and even gods. She continued forward, her uniform strides were big enough to be fast enough so she would reach the throne room fast but also slow enough for Perseus to follow her.

Her stoic expression softened a bit as she passed a temple made in honor of her hunters who had fallen in battle. Perseus noticed her silver eyes glancing at the beautiful, huge temple with respect in them.

"Is there something special about that one?", he asked before he could stop and think about who he was talking about.

She scowled, turning towards him with an irritated look on her face. "Just keep walking.", she ordered before continuing forward.

"If you are taking me to my doom, atleast have the courtesy to be polite about it, Goddess."

The last word was meant as an insult, Artemis didn't know why. Being a goddess wasn't exactly an insult. There was something special about him that intrigued her. She just wanted to strangle his throat but all wanted to know him better, know what he was.

"I am not taking you to your doom.", she huffed before replying to him.

Perseus didn't reply, he was too busy looking at a statue of Zeus standing over Mount Olympus while his mother, Akhlys stood down in Tartarus with the Titan lord's pieces lying around her, blood red tears flowing from her eyes and a scowl on her eyes. Her beautiful eyes portrayed with a look of hunger in them.

He could not help but think, was her mother really like that?


Word Count: 993 words.

Published: 22 August 2021

"Death is the only constant in life."


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