Chapter 1

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While Akhlys gave birth to Perseus in the heavens, Leto gave birth to Artemis on the floating island of Demos, not knowing how their destinies were matched to eachother's.


"We can't keep him with us for long, Akhlys. I know-" Ouranos tried to say before being interrupted by Akhlys, "I am not letting our son go into the human world without some training, Ouranos, just let him stay with us for 22 years."

Ouranos' heart melted hearing the plea of his lover. And he agreed.


"Come on, Perseus, you can do it, defeat him this time." Anastasia cheered her best friend who was sparring with her brother Aether.

Perseus was one of the young primordials but he was also one of the strongest, he had never defeated Aether in sparring but Anastasia believed that he would be able to today.

Anastasia and her twin, Alexander were strong but not as strong as Perseus who had half a dozen domains. He had been developing his powers since 18 years ago when he was born.


Aether was having a hard time battling Perseus, if he continued at this rate, Akhlys would have to let him go before he even he turned 20 years old. His powers were developing at a alarming rate.


Aether was hit on his head with the back of Perseus' sword 'Nightmare'. He crumbled but as being the primordial of air, he just floated away from Perseus' next attack.

Perseus slashed at the floating form of Aether but he had already floated far away. He formed a cloud around him with the water vapors present in the air and started suffocating him, but Aether flashed away, Perseus turned around as he heard the sound of feet hitting the ground.

He saw Aether charging towards him with an angry look on his face, Perseus just smirked, knowing his attacks would be rather sloppy now that he was angry. He blocked a hit from Aether and side stepped and thrust Nightmare forward and buried it in Aether.

Aether gasped and Perseus pulled his sword out.

"You won!" Hemera, who was acting as the referee exclaimed, shocked.

Anastasia squealed in joy and ran towards Perseus, who had to drop Nightmare to the ground so as to not hurt her, and hugged her back, she kept her head on his shoulders while congratulating him.


Both Anastasia and Perseus let go of eachother as soon as they heard Aether clear his throat. "Ah, Young Love!", Hemera exclaimed, making the two primordials even more redder. Both of them looked like a ripe tomato.

"Yeah, um, thank you?" Perseus said even though it sounded more like a question.

That was when Ouranos and Akhlys decided to enter the room along with Nyx and Alexander.

"Hey, I see you finally beat Aether." Alexander noticed while shaking his hand.

"Congratulations, son, your training is complete and you can finally take part in the deal." Ouranos told him.

This left Perseus utterly confused and Anastasia red in face, seeing this confused Perseus even more and he decided to voice his thoughts.

"Uh, father, what deal? I know nothing of this deal."

"Perseus, the deal was that if your training will get complete before you turn 22 years old, You will marry Anastasia.", It was Nyx who answered him.

Perseus' reaction ranged from anger to confusion to joy and respect. Anger because this decision had been made without his knowledge, confusion as he did not know how to react, joy because he had completed his training before they thought possible and respect for Nyx as she had the courage to tell him this on his face.

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