Chapter 5

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Alexander stood still as the wind blew threw his golden hair, ruining them before they got back the way he wanted amd they were ruined again. The cycle continued, he wasn't so happy right now, his parents and the other primordials had kept the deal a secret from them, he wondered how many more secrets they had. Were they too defeated by the gods? He had no way to know. Except one.

He would have to ask a primordial and who best to answer other than the primordial who started it all? He was going to see Chaos but before that he had to meet Anastasia and Perseus.


She was running at the fastest speed possible. "You will not survive!", a raspy voice called to her. She still ran like her life depended on it which it did.

She could see a source of light on the other side, she was about to be free.


She fell to the ground in the hands of a gold eyed man. He raised his hand, a Dagger appearing in his hands, he brought it down as if to stab her.


Nyx woke Anastasia up. She was shivering in her sleep, her legs moving as if she were running away from someone or something. "What happened to you?", she asked.

Anastasia's face looked scared as if she had seen Chaos himself. Did she have a dream? But Primordials didn't dream. What had happened to her then?

"Are you okay?"

"I.... I a-am?"

The way Anastasia answered seemed more like a question than an answer. "Yes, you are.", Nyx's voice seemed so reassuring yet firm and soft enough to make her believe her.

With all the things happening around in her realm, now Anastasia was scared. Nyx knew something was coming, something big enough to rattle Primordials and pick a fight with Nyx.


The Olympian Throne Room, the Capital of the World. The throne room of the gods was nothing short of a battle field. The female gods and Zeus, Apollo and Hermes were arguing with Poseidon and Ares while Hephaestus tinkered with a toy in his hands and Dionysus drank wine enjoying the show.

With so many voices and words overlapping nobody could hear a single thing. All of them were just wasting their time and energy. But, when you never die, wasting time is not much of a problem.

"SILENCE.", nobody had ever heard Hestia raising her voice before and they didn't hear it this time either. Hephaestus has yelled at everybody to quiet down, on the orders of Hestia who was standing next to him.

"This is not a time for a civil war, Olympians. If there are new gods appearing, we have to talk to them and learn about them. Lest, they may attack us in search of power.", Hestia knew that it was a wild move and gods like Zeus and Poseidon would take it that she was implying that these new gods could defeat them.

And that is exactly what happend. Zeus and Poseidon and Ares and Athena and Artemis all started to boast about how they couldn't be defeated in an eternity.

"We know nothing of these new gods, they can defeat you. But if you talk to them, get them on your side, maybe we can prevent that.", Hestia had spoken softly but when she spoke everyone tended to listen.

"That is strategically correct, father.", Athena told Zeus while Artemis and Ares agreed with her. The first time Ares agreed with her and that too because of Hestia.

"Fine, we will look into it at the next meeting, till them if you see any new God, try to befriend them. Artemis, search for that God you met. This meeting is adjourned."


Perseus was fed up of lies, he wanted to escape it all, but he had no idea how. He wanted to soar through the skies, forming new Constellations, making clouds where needed, making it rain from the crops. He wanted to use his domains but Akhlys wanted him to stay, he didn't want that.

'Is there any way to escape it all?', his thoughts weren't always nice but they were never not his. And, he didn't want them to be somebody else's either.

'Who is it?', he thought back.

'Well, I'll be damned, the great Perseus can't even recognize his best friend.'

'Alexander, how did you..... learn telepathy?'

'My father and with your permission I'm adding Anasta-', his voice stopped in between.

Perseus didn't know what happened but he wanted to know.


"The son of Nyx, Alexander in my grasp. You can't even protect yourself, weakling.", Alexander didn't knew that these would the last words he heard before entering Tartarus.


Word Count: 1094

Published: Tuesday, June 1 2021.

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

- Sun Tzu

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