Chapter 6

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I ran.

I ran as fast as I could.


"Run. Run little girl. Run as fast as you can, you still won't be able to run away from me."

I was tiring quickly but I wasn't one to give up. I never was.


And as suddenly as he appeared, he pinned me to the ground but not before I was able to spike my power levels making them visible to Ouranos himself.


Artemis and her hunters were searching for Perseus, as ordered by Zeus. They didn't have any lead except for the place where they first and last saw him.

They had already searched the area as per Atlanata's orders but hadn't found anything except for his foot prints which just disappeared in the middle of nowhere.

"Release the wolves.", when Artemis spoke, all the hunters knew to not ignore.


Atlanta looked towards her right, towards Zoe and Alexandria. "Release the wolves.", she told them as they started to move towards the temporary wolf encampment.

"Why do you think she wants us to release the wolves?", Alexandria, one of the newer hunters asked Zoe who joined not long after the hunters were formed.

"The wolves can pick up his scent, perhaps.", she just added perhaps even though she was sure that that was the reason.

They both remained silent for the rest of the two minutes that took them to reach the wolves.

"Here, here Apollo.", Zoe called out to one of the wolves. They had named him after Apollo as a joke but he had proven himself to be one of the best wolves they had.

Alexandria petted two other wolves before calling them out to follow Zoe and her out of the encampment.

Th wolves seemed to really trust Alexandria, the other hunters didn't know if it was because of her royal blue eyes or her primordial heritage.


"I told you that this wasn't a good idea!"

"I don't care what you told me. You didn't stop me, did you?"

The whole palace of Aquatica shook as two of the most powerful beings in the whole universe fought eachother.

Nyx was already sad about the disappearance of both her children while Akhlys was worried about Perseus, who too was not to be found.

"It is all your fault! If it wasn't to your selfishness, we wouldn't be in this mess at all!"

"I don't remember you declining my deal. Akhlys.", Nyx reminded Akhlys.

And suddenly the whole cloud of Aquatica shook as every immortal and mortal being on Gaia and Olympus and Aquatica felt a change in the air. But, Nyx knew exactly what it was.

It was her daughter's aura.


Word Count: 531

Published: Saturday, 5 June 2021

Edited: Sunday, 6 June 2021

The moment we stop checking for monsters under our bed and realize that they are living in us, our path to greatness is confirmed.

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